Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations


These law of attraction positive affirmations are here to help anyone who wants to ensure their mind is functioning in the highest state possible for manifesting and attracting that which they desire.

The power of the law of attraction lies in the fact that whatever you think about and believe will ultimately become the reality you experience. Use positive affirmations to reprogram your thought patterns and ensure positive beliefs are held deeply and consistently within your consciousness – this will provide a massive boost to your law of attraction efforts!

Whether you want to attract money, relationships, health or success – these positive affirmations will provide the necessary foundation for taking control of your mind, thinking positively, and manifesting the reality you desire.

Present Tense Affirmations
The law of attractions works
My beliefs manifest my reality
I attract success into my life
I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life
I have the power to create my reality
I attract into my life whatever I want
My thoughts create my reality
I believe in the law of attraction
I have the power to manifest my dreams
I believe deeply that I can achieve anything I desire


Future Tense Affirmations
The law of attraction is working
I will think positively
I am gaining control over my thought patterns
I am manifesting my destiny
Each day I believe in the law of attraction more and more
I will transform my life using the law of attraction
My powers of manifestation are growing
The law of attraction is transforming my life
Each day my mind becomes more positive
I am gaining control over my mind and my life


Natural Affirmations
I find it easy to control my thoughts
Manifesting seems effortless
Maintaining a positive state of mind is easy for me
I steer my life in positive directions with the power of positive thinking
Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do naturally
The law of attraction gives me the power to realize my dreams
Attracting success is a normal part of my life
My life is filled with abundance
My positive mindset attracts positive circumstances
I find it easy to attract into my life whatever I need


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Recommended Law Of Attraction Tools

Law Of Attraction Subliminal: Did you know that you can use subliminal messages to supercharge your law of attraction results? This works by ensuring your subconscious mind is focused, thinking positively, and in sync with what your conscious mind is trying to attract. offers a great tool to align & fine-tune your entire mind to make sure you maximize your law of attraction results. A must have for anyone that is serious about using the law of attraction.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis: Use this natural hypnosis track to energize your law of attraction powers and reprogram your mind for positivity, belief, and manifestation. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective tool for anyone that wants have the positive mindset needed to effectively use the law of attraction. If you are serious about manifesting the life you want then you should definitely check this out.

Law Of Attraction Subliminal: A simple yet highly recommended subliminal track from that will help you tap into the power of the law of attraction. The great thing about subliminal affirmations is that you can listen to them as you go about your normal day and see huge benefits in a very short period of time – and with very little effort!