Affirmations for Personal Growth


This is our growing collection of personal growth positive affirmations – it is growing weekly thanks to your submissions, and so far we have affirmations for everything from breaking free from the past to letting your emotions out, to resolving your past shame and learning to live a life free of regrets.

These affirmations can produce emotional results (as well as real, positive life changes), they are all around quite personal topics, they can really make you think about yourself and your life, and if you use them properly they really can set you on an amazing journey of self discovery and growth.

Here is the full list:

The affirmations in this collection can be so personal, this is the area we would most like help with – what issues have you overcome in your life with the help of affirmations? Would you be so kind as to share your personal affirmations with us to help others? is driven by personal submissions, so please, help us and help others and send us your personal affirmations.