Win Friends and Influence People Positive Affirmations


Positive affirmations to win friends and influence people are designed to allow the user to apply their social skills in the most effective way possible. These affirmations can be used as the key building blocks to friendships and communication skills.

The affirmations on this page are most beneficial for those who are willing to make friends and struggle to do so. They are also effective for people who are becoming more confident with social skills and are looking to improve their skills of persuasion and influence others.

By using the affirmations on this page regularly you will soon be able to gain a new mindset in communication skills. We recommend that you pick the affirmations that most apply to you and say them to yourself at least every day for the best effect.

Present Tense Affirmations
I am able to speak to new people
I enjoy starting conversations
I am good at persuading people
I am good at finding people I have common interests with
I can make new friends quickly and easily
People take my opinions seriously
I can inspire others with my words
I am improving my social skills every day
I am relaxed when beginning conversations
I can lead conversations in the direction I want them to go


Future Tense Affirmations
I will be able to make friends more easily
I will make more of an effort to begin conversations
My friends will listen to me more
I will find it easier to express my feelings
I will become more assertive and firm
Others will realise that I am easy to get along with
I will make my voice heard
Conversations will feel more natural to me
People will see me as outgoing and friendly
I will be able to show my personality more


Natural Affirmations
Others think I am confident and assertive
I enjoy meeting new people
My friends make me happy
Starting conversations is within my comfort zone
My social skills will help me excel in my career
People find me easy to get along with
I become better at making friends every day
Making friends comes naturally to me
Saying no is easy
My conversation skills allow me to help others
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Other affirmations you might be interested in: Positive Thinking, Improve Social Skills, Develop Charisma, Become More Assertive

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Develop Charisma Hypnosis: We love the way that this album from Natural Hypnosis can begin to take effect almost immediately. This is especially good for those who find it difficult to think of conversation starters or would like to become more entertaining or charismatic

Win Friends and Influence People Subliminal: Can help to minimise the feelings of insecurity when starting a conversation and can also help with nerves in large groups. These subliminals are extremely easy to listen to at any point in the day.