Increase IQ Positive Affirmations


Your IQ is a precise indication of how well you process, analyze, and interpret information. Through these positive affirmations, it is very easy to increase your IQ and enhance your mental capabilities.

An increased IQ will allow you to solve difficult problems easier, perform well on an upcoming IQ test, hone your memory, and expand your mind beyond even what you can fathom today. Imagine how far a sharper memory could take you in your career and in social circles or how far you could advance in your life goals by being able to problem solve some of the biggest challenges.

It only takes some consistency and dedication to increase your IQ through these positive affirmations. Practice them regularly to boost your intelligence beyond what it is now while gaining the respect and admiration of those around you!

Present Tense Affirmations
I am an intelligent person
I have a high IQ
I am very smart
I quickly solve difficult problems
I succeed at IQ tests
I have a great memory
I recall information in high detail
I concentrate fully
I am respected for my IQ
I accurately process information


Future Tense Affirmations
I am becoming more intelligent every day
I am increasing my IQ
I am sharpening my memory
I will succeed at any IQ test
I am becoming more and more intelligent
My career is advancing thanks to my high IQ
I will quickly understand problems
I will solve puzzles easily
I am effortlessly finding solutions
I will focus easily


Natural Affirmations
My IQ is very high
Solving problems comes easily to me
Completing puzzles comes naturally to me
Passing IQ tests comes naturally to me
My intelligence is apparent to those around me
Others look to me to solve difficult problems
IQ tests are easy for me
My memory is sharp
Focusing feels natural
Having a high IQ is a natural part of who I am



Increase IQ audio affirmations

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Other affirmations you might be interested in: Improve Math, Improve Concentration, Improve Memory.

Recommended Tools to Increase IQ

Increase IQ Subliminal: If you are preparing to take an IQ test and are anxious about passing, this album will help you focus your mind to pass it effortlessly. In addition to helping you pass an IQ test with flying colors, the album will also enhance both your math and language arts abilities and increase your logical thinking patterns.

Increase IQ Hypnosis: By clearing out your mind and developing your analytical thinking skills, this album will increase your IQ and intelligence. Available for instant download via MP3, the Increase IQ Hypnosis album is poised to take your intelligence to the next level.

Boost IQ Subliminal: Through a series of subliminal messages, this album is designed to transform the way you think and increase your IQ. It is based on thought patterns of highly intelligent individuals and developed to train your brain to think in a similar fashion. It will not only change the way you process and analyze information, but will also modify your self-perception.