Sleep Positive Affirmations


Do you struggle to sleep well? Do you wish you could feel refreshed and energized every day? These positive affirmations have been designed to help you with sleep!

You can use these positive affirmations to reprogram yourself for healthy sleeping habits and the right mindset needed to sleep regularly and wake up feeling great each and every day. The affirmations will work to transform you into someone who has healthy routines, thought patterns, and behaviors that all lead to a healthy and balanced sleep life.

Here they are… sweet dreams 🙂

Present Tense Affirmations
I sleep deeply
I fall asleep easily
I am a good sleeper
I am in control of my sleeping patterns
I am refreshed and energized every day
I take time to relax before going to bed
I go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day
I am disciplined with my sleep schedule
I always take time to wind down at the end of the day
I keep a regular sleeping routine


Future Tense Affirmations
I will sleep deeply
Sleeping restfully is becoming easier
Sleeping right will improve my health and energy
I am finding it easier to relax before bed
I always rest quietly and calmly before trying to fall asleep
I am transforming into a natural sleeper
I will go to bed and wake up at the same times each day
I will create a sleeping plan and stick to it
I will wake up feeling well rested each morning
I will develop healthy sleeping habits


Natural Affirmations
I can sleep whenever I choose
Feeling rejuvenated each morning is normal for me
Falling asleep is easy
Sleeping is the most natural thing in the world
Sleeping deeply is normal for me
I naturally release my stress and worries at the end of each day
Eating right and exercising helps me to sleep well
Taking the time to sleep right will improve my life
Relaxing quietly before bed will help me to sleep
I always take the necessary steps to ensure a great sleep


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Other affirmations you might be interested in: Insomnia, Relaxation, Stop Nightmares.

Recommended Sleep Tools

Natural Sleep Aid Subliminal: This is a great subliminal audio tool that uses subliminal affirmations and relaxing sounds to help you naturally fall asleep and get a full night of rest without the need for drugs or other harmful therapies. It will help you let go of stress and worry, relax, and just simply fall asleep. This will bring massive relief to anyone who continues to struggle with sleeping problems, if this is you then you definitely need to visit their site and grab a copy for yourself!

Sleep Hypnosis: The wonderful thing about hypnosis is that by its very nature it uses relaxation and stress relief to create positive changes in the mind and body. So what greater way to improve sleep and learn to wind down before bed than with the sleep hypnosis album from – and not only will it help you to fall asleep naturally and effortlessly, but you will stay asleep and get a full night of rest and rejuvenation. No more waking up repeatedly throughout the night, and no more tired mornings, only deeply restful and health restoring sleep. – OUR TOP SLEEPING HELP RECOMMENDATION!