Sep 162014

Prosperity Mantra? Hocus-pocus nonsense? Well, we can assure you, they are NOT… and one famous entrepreneur (Steve Jobs) who changed the world through his business and inventions would assure you too..

Below we want to share Steve’s personal life mantra with you, but first just a little info on…

What is a Mantra?

Most people don’t even know what mantras are, let alone live by them. They live their entire lives steeped in self-doubts and fears, and come up with convenient excuses when they find themselves unable to get past obstacles in their lives. That is the primary reason why they will never achieve abundant wealth.

A mantra is a personal statement that you live by and focus on – more than just “positive affirmations”, a mantra is a single, more personally thought out affirmation which stays with you.. it becomes part of you.. and you live to your mantra.. in essence you manifest your mantra and become it!

A mantra can have the potential to completely change your life, by giving you the ability to attract limitless abundance of wealth and prosperity. But before we take a look at how Prosperity Mantra can transform your life, we must first understand what mantras are in the first place.

Who Uses Mantras?

What about successful people then? Do they have mantras? Do they use some secret weapon to achieve success? How are they different from people who languish in failure?

The short answer – these 2 groups of people are very different from each other.

For successful people, it is a foregone certainty that each and every single one of them shares this one common trait – the mantra. In other words, they owe their corporate success to their own mantras, be it wealth or general or inspirational in nature.

One of the more successful examples is the creator of the ubiquitous Apple products you see people using everywhere these days;
Steve Jobs.

Right from the beginning, Steve Jobs stuck to a mantra that would be pervasive throughout his entire life – its really simple actually – his key to life, his single most important thing is the process of simplifying everything:


Make Your Own Prosperity Mantra!

This is actually an excerpt from this free ebook – the next chapter shows you how to build your very own prosperity mantra in 3 simple steps – download the full ebook for free here:

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Feb 092014

We’ve all had our fair share of hardships, challenges, and problems. At some incredibly low point in time, we may have even wondered if life would get any better. I’ve been there.

I’ve questioned my purpose in life; I’ve questioned whether life was even worth living at all. I’ve been hurt over and over and had my self-esteem in tatters. But despite feeling so horrible about myself, I held on and life got better.

And amazingly enough, I’ve learned a lot along the way – about myself, about others, about the world in general. I believe you can get through this too, and turn your negative experience into a learning experience.

Turning-Negative-Experiences-into-Learning-ExperiencesWorking through the negative experiences

When we’re going through a tough time in our lives, we might feel depressed, upset, angry, overwhelmed, helpless… maybe even a little bit scared and apprehensive. And we might be searching desperately for solutions – anything to get ourselves out of our horrible situation. We might want all the pain and confusion to end.

About eight years ago, I tried to end my life multiple times. I felt worthless, useless and unlovable. The pain I was going through felt like it was never going to end.

These were some of the devastating thoughts that were going through my mind at the time.

I deserve to be hurt because I don’t deserve any better.

My life has no meaning.

I just want my life to end.

If I kill myself, nobody would care anyway.

As much as the negative thoughts were consuming me, I managed to turn those thoughts around. I believe that you can too.

Finding purpose

Through my negative experiences, I have been able to relate to other people who feel alone, depressed and helpless. I have even saved another person from committing suicide. I have realised that I’m not worthless like I once thought. I’ve realised that I can make a positive difference in the world. I’ve found my purpose now – helping others.

woman climingYou need to believe that your life matters. That you have value. That you can bring something unique to this world. That you have gifts and talents that the rest of the world can benefit from. That you CAN get through this.

The negative emotions that you’re feeling right now will not last forever. The challenges you’re facing right now can be overcome.

I know it’s easier said than done, but you need to hold on. You need to find purpose in your life. Take up a hobby, invest some time with your family and friends, take a look into where your career is heading.

But most important of all, you need to hold on. You never know how your life might change for the better.

Eight years have passed since that lowest point in my life, and I’m now happily married with 3 children and I have a career that makes me proud. I have this life now because I had the strength to hold on. You can hold on as well.

What you can learn from your negative experiences

A challenging experience in life helps to build character; it teaches us resilience, it shows us what our true capabilities really are. Negative experiences help us to learn more about ourselves, about other people, about the rest of the world.

Until I went through what I did, I didn’t realise how brave and strong I really am. I didn’t realise how much my empathetic nature would help other people. I didn’t realise that my life could impact other people’s lives so much. I also didn’t realise that you can forgive a person without forgetting, that it’s okay to feel sad sometimes, that it’s okay not to be perfect.

Here are lessons that I have learned about myself, that you can also say to yourself as positive affirmations.

I am worthy of being loved.

I can stand up for myself.

I am in control of how I feel.

I am strong and I will get through this.

I can make a unique and valuable contribution to society.

You hear people say so often that they don’t regret their negative experiences; that it’s shaped who they are today. And I wholeheartedly agree with this.

If I hadn’t gone through what I did, I wouldn’t have learned that I’m a better person than I’ve given myself credit for. That my presence on Earth would be truly missed if I were gone. I wouldn’t have learned to value myself and what I’m capable of giving to this world.

I believe that negative experiences in life help us to grow as people and encourage us to reach our full potential. I believe that our negative experiences can inspire other people to get through theirs.

I believe that with negative experiences, we can learn to be better, to be happier, to be the best that we can be.

I believe that negative experiences can be turned into learning experiences.

I believe that because it happened to me.


thuy_yau_photoThis is a Guest Post from Thuy Yau

Thuy Yau is a freelance writer, who loves to inspire others with her work. Thuy is passionate about promoting healthy emotional and mental health, respect towards others, and finding purpose in life. Her writing has appeared on major Australian news sites, been discussed on radio, and won writing contests. You can follow her on Facebook or Twitter, or check out her blog at


Jan 272014

happy womanWe all just want to be happy, right? And yet true happiness continues to elude the vast majority of us.

Even when we achieve ‘success’ in the conventional sense thrust upon us by western society (career, money, house, family) and have attained everything we thought we needed to bring us happiness, most of us are still left asking the question:

‘Why am I still not happy?’

Eighteen months ago, I had a great salary; a nice flat and I’d just been promoted. Outwardly, things were looking really great in the land of Leah. But there was just one small problem – I was terribly unhappy.

I’m talking major daily meltdown unhappy: Life didn’t seem to have much meaning; I had no sense of purpose and I couldn’t figure out what on earth the point of it all was.

All I wanted was to be happy and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t.

And so 18 months ago I quit my ‘successful’ life to try out something different, something that has taken me on an epic journey. Though my journey is far from over, through the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had, I’ve come to learn just a thing or two about happiness, and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you today!

1. Happy people take responsibility

Our society is one of blame; rarely do we accept responsibility for our own happiness. We blame our work, our partners, even the weather! Our unhappiness is everyone’s fault but our own. We cannot control the external events that happen in our day-to-day lives, but we can always choose how we react to them.

Happy people understand that they alone are responsible for their own happiness.

When you can no longer use other people or external circumstances as an excuse you have to turn to yourself and ask ‘what can I do to change this?’ and the day when you accept that your happiness lies 100% in your own hands is the day you will really start to become the master of your own life!

happiest people quote2. Happy people are motivated intrinsically, not extrinsically

Fame, wealth, power, a sexy man or woman on our arm: these are the things that many people seek out in life thinking they are the route to happiness. Not so. People motivated by external factors often find that even when they’ve achieved everything on their list, they’re still not happy.

Why? Because as human beings, we have an inbuilt desire to contribute something that matters, to help others in a meaningful way, and to live with a sense of purpose. Those who do what they do because of what it means to them and not because of what or where it will get them are far happier and far healthier.

3. Happy people have strong social bonds

We live in a society increasingly devoid of human connection and contact. Meet ups and phone calls have been replaced by emails; our increasingly busy lives leave us with less and less time for the people that matter; visiting your neighbour for a cup of tea is a thing of the past, and that person who used to serve you at the supermarket checkout? They’ve turned into a machine.

So many people and yet so much loneliness. Human beings need connection. We need physical and non-physical contact.

People who cultivate strong, meaningful relationships and who spend more time with friends and family have much higher levels of happiness.

i'm sorry

4. Happy people know how to forgive

Sometimes, those we are close to act in ways that upset us. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve sat down for a catch up with a friend only to be bombarded with the latest drama of how someone in their life has wronged them.

We can choose to allow ourselves to be affected in a negative way by the behaviour of others, or we can choose to forgive and move on. But remember this: we always have a choice.

Holding on to negative emotions and bearing grudges causes a build up of stress in the body, so learn to forgive: It could be one of the best things you ever do!

5. Happy people are focused on the present

Children and dogs have got the secret to happiness sussed! They live in the moment. The future and past do not exist for them. They are always fully immersed in the ‘now’.

Happy people have mastered the skill of being present: of being fully involved in their ‘now’.

If I can offer just one tip that will help you be more present and less concerned or anxious about the past or future, it would be to practise some form of meditation. Meditation is without doubt the single most useful skill I’ve learned to help me live a happier, calmer life.

6. Happy people spend more time with other happy people

There came a point after I quit my job that I realised some of the people I was spending time with weren’t conducive to creating happiness in my life.

We all have people in our lives who tend to drain rather than energise us. You know who they are, right? The ones who can’t find anything positive to say. The ones who spend their time gossiping and moaning.

Happy people know to surround themselves with positive thinkers.

If there are people in your life who consistently drain you of energy, it could be time to take a look at what those relationships really mean to you – it may be time to take a step back and create some distance.

take action

7. Happy people take action

Unhappy people are always talking about making changes in their life but whilst they’re great at talking the talk, they fall flat when it comes to walking the walk. Dreaming of what could be but never taking a step towards making those dreams a reality makes for a miserable existence.

It’s either time to be happy with your lot, or truly start to take action to change your life.

I know taking action can be harder said than done. So what’s the best way to force yourself into action? One of the best ways to stop dreaming and start doing is to make your plans public. I’ve found that when you’ve made your plans public, you make yourself accountable to those people. It’s a brilliant way to get yourself in gear!

8. Happy people use failure to their advantage

Failure happens to us all. Happy people realise that failure is where we learn the most and is an essential component of eventual success.

Unhappy people obsess over their failures. They wonder if they’re inadequate or not good enough. Their obsessing prevents them from moving forward and they feel bad about themselves.

Accepting that failure is your friend, not foe will go a long way to helping you on your path to happiness.

I believe we can all find happiness, but only when we begin to look in the right places.


Leah Cox - HeadshotThis is a guest post from Leah Cox

Life coach and founder of, Leah Cox is on a mission to change the world by helping people live their lives with less fear, more courage and to start turning their dreams into a reality!

She also runs Fearless Play workshops once a month in London.

Dec 192013

If you don’t know how to be more outgoing, then you probably wonder why it’s so easy for others to talk to people, ask their name, age, and make conversation while it feels so unnatural to you.

Even if you have the tiniest doubt, even if it doesn’t make logical sense, you’re completely discouraged from making conversation with others, especially if they are in a group.

I used to be that way, and maybe even worse. After I learned to be social, I could talk to anyone I want. In this article, I want to show you how you can stop fearing people and become more outgoing.

Why Is It So Important To Learn How To Be More Outgoing?

group of peopleIn this connections-age, value gets created when people come together and create new things. Your ability to communicate with others is the key for you to earn more and have more influence on others.

On the social side, learning to be more outgoing will ensure that you don’t miss out on the opportunities that present themselves to you. Some people would love to include you in their plans and learn about you. Everyone has some kind of value to add to the table, but if you keep avoiding people, you won’t be able to share the value that you have. If you learn to be more outgoing, you’ll be able to avoid this kind of loneliness.

Does This Mean You Have To Stop Being You?

Being more outgoing doesn’t mean you have to stop being yourself and pretend to be someone else. It doesn’t mean you have to fake a new personality. You only need to decide that you want to behave in a more social way, whenever you want, and only when you think it’s appropriate.

You get more power over this when you get that you only have to do it when you want to. Do not reject your quiet, introverted nature. Instead, give yourself permission to stay alone when you want, and give yourself permission to be social when you want. You choose how much socializing you want to do.

How To Quickly Learn To Be More Outgoingconfidence level rising

The psychology that will work for you is to consider, being more outgoing, as a new skill. Think about it as a new skill you’re going to learn, like learning a new language. People who always fail at being more social consider that the lack of social skills is part of who they are. Instead, they should think of social skills as something that anyone can learn.
Like any other skill, the more you invest in learning and practicing, the better you get at it. This simple change in psychology is exactly what makes the difference between humiliating failure, and quick progress.

How To Start: Set An Adventure Boot Camp For Yourself!

There is a simple way, and an advanced way to start learning to be more social. The simple one involves that you tweak your daily habits a little bit, to add a social element to them. This means that you will spend a tiny more time talking to waiters, cab drivers, colleagues, classmates, neighbors, friends, or anyone who already exists in your day-to-day life. You need to come up with a list of these tiny tweaks, and here is a great way to do it…

Take a piece of paper, write at the top “If I were 5% more outgoing…”

Then write at least 10 sentence-completions that start with “I would …” Keep that list around, and start executing those tiny little new habits, and take pride in your progress.

By the way, no one will notice the change, because it’s small, so you there is no extra pressure on you.

book clubIf you want to use an advanced way to learn how to be more outgoing, then I recommend that you go to clubs and events where it’s appropriate to approach and talk to strangers. If you go to a bar or a nightclub, that can be very hard because no one else is doing it. However, if you go to an interest group, a meet up group, an expat event, a networking event, or a professional fair, then it’s going to be ten times easier, because everyone else is doing it!


If you go to about 5 events like that, and practice talking to strangers in a safe environment, then you’re going to sky-rocket your social skills, and you’ll inevitably learn to act in a more outgoing way.

These techniques will get you started. If you want to have a great social life, I recommend that you learn about friendship, how it works, and how you can be more social.


This is a Guest Post from Paul Sanders

Paul Sanders is passionate about helping people make friends and would love you to give some of his ideas a go. Paul’s Get The Friends You Want teaches you how to: Overcome Shyness & Loneliness ; Master Conversation & Social Skills ; Make Friends & Build a Social Circle. Dive into it with a bit of criticism and see what it does for you!

Connect with Paul here.


Dec 092013

Did you ever just wander off into the woods when you were little? Maybe you heard an animal rustling in the bushes and wanted to catch a glimpse or you simply wanted to get down to the creek to sneak in a swim.
Wandering for me as a youngster was always adventurous and fun. I found old bottles that I thought were worth a thousand dollars (they were not) or little skeletons that I imagined could have been a person from hundreds of years ago. I would wander and wander and not give a lick about where I was or how long I was gone. I didn’t worry about getting lost; the adventure was too much fun for that.

I still like to wander today.

This is one reason I’m living at the beach this summer. I wanted an adventure and freedom to roam in a new city with good vibes. Sometimes I just like to lose myself in a dream that begins in my head and I run and play with that dream for ages, but what I have realized in life is that I don’t have to just wander in my head anymore; I can wander out and about as well. I can do anything I really put my mind to and that is a wonderfully refreshing feeling. This goes for the mental, physical, and spiritual parts of my life!

Not all wanderers are lost.


The spirit wants freedom to roam and expand, but so often we have imprisoned the spirit through years and years of hurt, pain, anger, negativity, stress etc. Layer upon layer of junk lies over pure love, joy, creativity, contentment, and so on. In fact, life’s journey oftentimes leads us on a mission to uncover and deal with each layer one by one. The problem is that much of the time we are too busy to notice that our soul is longing for release or we flinch at the first sign of pain or discomfort in peeling off a layer and run or numb the pain with some sort of anesthetic like alcohol, pills, sex, food, etc.

Feeling the pain associated with each layer is the way to freedom.

A friend of mine told me yesterday that she feels like something is wrong with her. No matter how good her life gets, she still feels like something is missing “in her”. The void, the incessant emptiness, the feeling that surfaces when you take time to just breathe for a minute.

I don’t have grand advice for her. I have my own darkness I wrestle with, but I have come to understand that when those types of feelings come, it is best when I just relinquish control and simply FEEL them. If I want to liberate my soul, I must feel the pain of each layer, process it, treat it with tender loving care, and then bid it adieu.

Wanderers make their way home.

file0001422397309We all take some time wandering away from our spiritual essence throughout life and it seems the journey of life is a journey back home to the recognition of our spiritual makeup. A journey back to the realization that “Hey, all these things I have been seeking out there don’t mean didly and they certainly don’t fill me up. It’s within. My happiness and joy is only found when I jump off the high dive into my own essential beingness, my core, my inner sanctuary. I’m finding an ever expanding love as I plunge through the layers of emotional baggage, release control, and surrender to a power greater than myself.”

Make eye contact

Do you make a habit of looking at others directly in the eye? The old English proverb “The eyes are the window to the soul” rings true. If you look directly into my eyes, you will see a wanderer. A woman who has been wandering the twists and turns of life for many years trying to get back home. Trying to sift through the layers of emotional turmoil that stems all the way from childhood to get to her inner core of a gushing river of love, joy, and peace. A woman who has triumphed over pain and trauma and clawed her way through the darkest of nights on her lifetime journey to liberate her spirit. A woman with heart, drive, passion, abundant love, and mountain tops of hope residing within her.

What would I see if I made eye contact with you?

Are you a wanderer? Are you on a journey to reclaim your amazingly awesome spiritual nature that resides deep within you? Will my spirit connect with yours as we lock eyes? I love the term “Namaste” because it is a greeting that essentially means,

“I honor the place in you of light, of love, of truth, of peace.”
“My Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you.”

We are all wanderers.

We are all wanderers on this journey of life and we are all at different spots on different paths. Let’s recognize this in ourselves and in others as we go about our days. Take some time each day to just sit quietly and ponder life, love, and Spirit. Be mindful that authentic love and joy are found within and not out there somewhere or in materialistic possessions.

Be still.

Know that you are LOVE at your core.

Here’s to all of us wandering back home!


This is a Guest Post from Dominica Applegate

Dominica PhotoDominica Applegate is a writer, author, poet, and speaker with a deep passion for discovering and sharing authentic spiritual truth. She has been discovering herself under all sorts of odd layers and loves to share her stories and lessons learned with anyone that will listen. She loves reading, contemplating, walking in nature, family time, traveling, and meditation.

Connect with Dominica at her website and Facebook.