Learn Guitar Positive Affirmations


Playing the guitar takes talent, perseverance, and desire. Become the next guitar guru with the help of these amazing learn guitar affirmations!

Whether your guitar goals include jamming in Jimi Hendrix’s footsteps, strumming solo at the local blues bar, or just learning how to play guitar in the comfort of your own home, these affirmations will set you on your way. Imagine how drastically your life could improve if you decided to follow your dream of playing guitar. You could star in your own band, gain recognition for your solo talents, and kiss that air guitar routine goodbye!

Get started on practicing these affirmations today! Before long you will have the confidence and drive to accomplish your long awaited dreams.

Present Tense Affirmations
I am a guitar star
I love practicing the guitar
I am a talented musician
I can read music well
I can emulate famous guitarists
I understand music well
I am a fast learner
I am musically inclined
I am driven to practice often
I am known as a gifted guitarist


Future Tense Affirmations
I will read music
I am gaining recognition as a musician
I am developing my knowledge of music
I will play guitar well
I will learn quickly
I will process information easily
I will practice often
I will enjoy learning guitar
I will remember what I learn
I will become known for my guitar skills


Natural Affirmations
Playing guitar comes naturally to me
Others know me as a guitar player
Learning the guitar comes easily to me
Practicing the guitar is fun
Reading music is easy
Remembering what I learn comes naturally
Learning quickly feels natural
My knowledge of music is growing
My guitar skills are improving
Processing information comes easily

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Recommended to help you Learn Guitar

Learn How to Play Guitar Subliminal: If learning the guitar feels overwhelming, this subliminal album will help you tackle your goal head on. It helps to rewire your mind so that you absorb the music and can practice unhindered.

Learn to Play the Guitar Subliminal: The subliminal messages in this album work in several ways to increase your ability to play guitar. They increase your drive and focus, help you unravel the mystery behind guitar playing, and increase your memory.