Jul 152013

Life is all about confidence really; feeling confident and actually being confident goes a long way to making you feel happy and comfortable in yourself. People who lack confidence generally don’t do as well in life and don’t enjoy it as much.

For more people, we develop our sense of confidence as we grow up and mature, but unfortunately that means that some children are much less confident that we realise. The world can feel like a scary place to a 4 year old.

If you have young children, one of the best ways that you can invest in them is by helping them to be more confident, so here’s how to do just that:
Problem Subjects

If your child is struggling with a subject at school, they can easily fall behind the class, which only makes the problem worse and this can impact their confidence in other subjects too, even the ones they might otherwise be good at.

Your children probably won’t tell you they are struggling, but look out for signs, such as subjects that they don’t like, show little interest in or try to avoid and do your best to help them catch up and keep up with the class.

Strategic Complements

Every parent tells their children that they are wonder, beautiful and intelligent and to an extent children take these compliments with a large pinch of salt – particularly if they don’t believe it themselves.

Try to give your children some more specific compliments though. Children often don’t even realise the talents they have, so if you spot that your son very good at problem solving or that your daughter has a talent for organisation, tell them.

Once they know that they do have talents it will make them a lot less insecure about their weaknesses.

Listening Intently

Just like adults, every child wants to feel valued and listened to and even though the problems of a child may not seem like a big deal to an adult they are still very real to that child.

If your child is telling you about their day at school or something clever they have done, try your best not to be dismissive and talk to them as an equal. This can often be tough, particularly if you are busy with housework or other tasks, but a little effort can make a big difference.

Fear Of Failure

Kids will often assume that because they are not very good at something (especially something at school) you will be mad at them and the result is that parent/teacher meetings can be a scary time for them.

The reality is that criticism often isn’t helpful for a child and a better way to handle it might be giving them extra help covertly – possibly hiring a tutor to help them in problem areas.

Try to avoid telling your children that they are failing at a subject and instead focus on everything they are doing well. Make them aware how proud you are of them. The confidence boost alone may help them in the subjects they find hardest.

Getting Out A Bit

You can easily expand your child’s horizons outside of school too, and if your children find school particularly scary (as many do) this can be a good way to help them to grow away from the stresses of education.

Encourage your kids to participate in groups where they can make new friends and have fun doing so. In these sorts of groups they will often learn social and personal skills which they don’t necessarily learn at school.

By making new friends outside of school it can also help them to feel more content and even more confident at school. But above all else, sometimes forcing them out of their comfort zone can prevent them from becoming too introverted and make them more outgoing.

This is A Guest Blog Post from Ricky at UK Tutors

If you have found value here then please visit UK Tutors to learn more about tutoring & education for children and students.

Jul 052013

Learn How You Can Develop YourselfLike most people, I believe that you want to become a better person and live a better life. That is probably the reason why you are reading this right now.

Obviously, there are many self help techniques that you can choose from, and you may be wondering where to start. Well, I am here to tell you that you do not need to get complicated.

You can in fact start with the simple ones first. I will be sharing with you three of them.

#1 Lifelong Learning

The best investment you can make in life is in yourself. Just because you are no longer in school or college does not mean that you put an end to learning new things in life.

However, lifelong learning does not necessarily apply to something that is academic, such as a business course. You could learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby.

Examples of these can include learning to play a new instrument, fishing, or even rock climbing. Think of the values you can pick up through these activities. You get to learn about team work, patience and confidence.

#2 Take Care Of Your Body

The next technique is to take care of your body. Do you feel tired often? Maybe you seem to lack energy.

Whatever it is, pay attention to these signs. Based on these two examples, it could mean that you are not giving your body enough time to sleep, or you may not be exercising enough.

Sometimes, stress is necessary to spur us on. However, too much stress can be detrimental to your health, so watch those stress levels, and be sure to take a break while you are at work.

Whatever the case may be, if you take good care of your body, you should end up lively and active, and that can certain improve your productivity at work and relationship with your friends and family.

#3 Look On The Bright Side

It is important to maintain a positive mindset, even when things seem bleak and morbid for you. You may think that simply remaining optimistic will not change your circumstances, but let me tell you honestly that it can.

Look, if you are always in a foul mood, do you think people will be attracted to you? On the contrary, if you are always smiling and staying positive despite going through a negative circumstance, people will be attracted to you. Some of them may even look up to you!

These are just three of the many self help techniques that are available out there. Start with these three and see how your life transforms!

This is a Guest Blog Post from Ewen Chia

Ewen Chia profile pictureEwen Chia is a highly respected businessman from Singapore, for the last 5 years he has flown around the world giving public presentations on business, lifestyle and entrepreneurship.

Last year his first book “How I made my first Million” made the Amazon Best Sellers lists.

If you would like to learn more about him and hisself help techniques, visit:


It is his brand new blog, and there you can learn how you can turn on the switch to success with more of his self help techniques!


Jun 252013

"I love myself" written in the sandThis is a guest blog post from Dr. Robert Anthony (the man who turned down a part in the movie “The Secret”)

The self-evident reality you must understand is the “Source Energy” that created you does not make faulty BEINGS out of itself. It can only make perfect BEINGS.

While the BEING may be perfect sometimes the PERSON is not perfect when it comes to their actions due to their Subconscious programming. But who you are (your BEING) and what you do (your actions)are not the same thing. Put simply, you are not what you DO. What you do may not be so great at times, but it does not make you less than a worthy BEING.

As a PERSON we are taught that our self-worth is something we have to earn. It’s not there already.

The problem with anything that is “Self”; self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth is that it gets you to look at yourself very closely. As soon as you do that you start to notice imperfections, and focus on what is wrong with you.

If you meet anyone who suffers from low self-worth it is because of an introverted viewpoint of their “faults”. I personally feel the best thing you can do is the opposite. Start to think of your self-worth in a different way. Start thinking to yourself, “What if I shift my perception?”

“Maybe my self-worth is not something I gain. Maybe I already have it and I am causing myself unnecessary problems”.

If you think about it like that it makes sense because if you create resistance to something (your Self) then it creates tension, and as soon as you have tension, it limits your ability to move through it.

Here is something you can do right away. Start saying to yourself over and over, “I am not here to earn my self-worth and I am not here to prove it. I am here to learn and grow and to be a Deliberate Creator.” Then make a decision about what you would like to change or create. And then do it! Notice how that simple distinction changes things. This really works.

And as a worthy person, you don’t need anyone’s approval. All approval at the end of the day comes back to self-approval. Why wait for others to give it to you?

Most people want to justify and give themselves a reason for self-approval. They work hard, build a business or a career, run, meditate, go to the gym, eat right, help other people – they try to DO something so that they can feel good about themselves.

You just need to educate yourself to have 100% self-worth and self-approval for no reason. Not because of anything you have or do. Once you give yourself approval for no reason, you start making decisions for no reason, except they feel right to you.

Deliberate Creation

A signpost saying "wisdom"What does this have to do with Deliberate Creation or creating our lives the way we want to? What it boils down to is you really have two choices about the way you create your life.

  • The first way is to create from the WISDOM MODEL of inherent Self-Worth.

  • The second way is to create from the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL of conditional Self-Worth.

The ACHIEVEMENT MODEL of conditional Self-Worth says – what I do and what I accomplish determines my self-worth. It also determines whether I like and accept myself or not.

The WISDOM MODEL of inherent Self-Worth says – I am inherently a good person and I am worthy of all the good things in life. I’m not here to prove myself as a worthy person by what I have or what I do. All I am here for is to learn and grow.

The WISDOM MODEL is a model of inherent Self-Worth. In other words, I don’t have to earn it, and I don’t have to prove it. The ACHIEVEMENT MODEL requires you to constantly prove you are “worthy” by what you have or what you do.

Let me explain the difference. Let’s say two individuals want to earn $100,000 this year. One uses the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL and the other uses the WISDOM MODEL.

At the end of the year each of them only earn $40,000. However something incredibly and profoundly different goes on in their mind.

The ACHIEVEMENT MODEL person says if things are going according to plan and I am on track to earn $100,000, I am okay. I can like and accept myself as a success.

But if things start going down-hill and at the end of the year the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL person has not earned anywhere near $100,000, in fact they only earned $40,000, the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL person says something very interesting. “I tried everything and did everything I could but I haven’t earned $100,000 so that can only mean one thing. There is something wrong with me.” They get trapped in self-inquiry and beat themselves up.

Let’s look at the WISDOM MODEL person. He or she says “As I go through the year, if things are going well I will do more of that, and if things aren’t going well I will do less of that and self-correct along the way and do the best I can with the knowledge I have”.

“I have not earned $100,000 but there is nothing wrong with me. The only problem is I didn’t develop enough skills to earn $100,000. I can do better and I can change this without feeling bad about myself”.

The same applies in a relationship – the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL person says “I failed at the relationship so there is something wrong with me”. The WISDOM MODEL person says, “There’s nothing wrong with me. The only problem is I did not understand and apply the principles for a happy, healthy, passionate relationship. I can change this without feeling bad about myself”.

Do you see the difference?

Why is this so Important?

A flower growing through the snowBecause all bad decision makers are ACHIEVEMENT MODEL based. The reason for this is what they do and what they achieve is tied into who they are and how they feel about themselves, so they live in fear of making the wrong decision. Each wrong decision “proves” they are stupid, incompetent, not worthy, etc.

So in their fear of making wrong decisions they become completely inept at making any decision or making any changes in their life because they fear the consequences. “What if I fail again?”

However the WISDOM MODEL person never fears making a wrong decision, making a mistake or making a change because they know that there is no such thing as “failure”. Failure is only feedback. What that means is if a decision doesn’t work out they don’t see it as failure but as feedback that allows them to make another decision or change something to see if that will work out, etc. until they reach their desired outcome.

The irony of the ACHIEVEMENT MODEL person is they think “I should be able to achieve what I want with the knowledge I already have. However if I don’t reach my desired outcome with the knowledge I currently have, then surely it cannot be a knowledge problem. There must be something wrong with me. You will never get what you want if you give up, but you will give up and get discouraged if you think something is wrong with you.

Instead of playing the game of life to succeed, you will play it not to fail. But the problem with playing not to fail is it’s impossible to succeed at anything while trying not to fail. Said another way, you’ll never see the sunset if you keep on running east!

But the WISDOM MODEL person says “There nothing wrong with me, I just need to learn, grow and make some changes until I achieve my desired outcome.”

If you create from the WISDOM MODEL you will not fear failure, change or challenge. In fact, you will be excited about change and you will not give up until you reach your desired outcome.  

This is a Guest Post from Dr. Robert Anthony

Dr. Robert Anthony profile pictureDr. Robert Anthony has worked with and still coaches some of the most successful people on the planet – he is the successful man’s coach.

For the past 30 years he has spent his life unraveling the mysteries of the mind. During that time he has earned a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology and has worked as a psychotherapist, NLP practitioner, master hypnotist, personal performance trainer and business coach.

You can learn more, from the man himself. He has two main websites where he shares his teachings:



Jun 152013

This is a genuine, reader submitted (success) story, of how Kirsty found affirmations and changed her outlook on life, love and her relationship.

My name is Kirsty and I’m more than ever, CONVINCED by the power of affirmations 😀  Imagine how we could massively move the world with those as well???

I just wanted to thank y’all, whoever you are, for doing what you did gathering all those amazing affirmations and just sharing them for free!

WOW how sweet and beautiful of you, what a true service you offer, which is why I’m writing you – to thank you. I used the confidence ones so far, including the suggested one on stopping relationship insecurity. I wanted to tell you a quick-ish story if you’re interested. Thank you again for making my life VASTLY better and helping me reach perhaps life-altering epiphany with your service 😀

I have been super duper insecure since my ex-partner had what I’d call some call un-ethical sluttery (as opposed to ethical sluttery) a few years ago, even though we were in an open relationship even (LOL how does that even happen?). Ever since then I’ve compared myself to other beautiful women, feeling inferior and insecure around them sometimes, and sometimes painfully so, like I haven’t experienced since Middle School, trying so hard to fit and failing so miserably until I finally said “F*CK IT!” and started being myself after Middle School which was one of the most liberating moments of my life 😉

What happened today feels like the same thing as my Middle School epiphany/liberation like 12 years later! 😀

Ryan Gosling

So now I’m in like literally the most beautiful perfect relationship for me ever ever. He is everything I wrote down in my law of attraction “magic book.” He is beautiful (guilty, one of the first things I want), muscular cuz he works out (I do too – two of the only occupiers (what we call people in the Occupy Wall Street Movement) who do ;-D), ridiculous in bed like beyond freakin belief (sorry babe), still a year later/more so,  a hardcore serious organizer for movements for social justice, like Occupy, workers’ rights organizing, and to save Troy Davis and stop wars etc (I need that in anyone I sleep with and most especially the person I want to really be with cuz no one understands an activist like an activist I feel like, we need to be a team cuz change need to COME!), he has an amazing personality, always grounded, calm, funny, warm, moral, respectful and sensitive to privilege, and has such intergrity, a need to contribute, solidarity, and peace and love in his heart. And he treats me like I deserve (like we all deserve!) which is like a Goddess, and makes me feel loved and cherished and supported all the time.

And even then, even though he’s so perfect and loving (and we get told we’re the cutest couple all the time), over the last year we’ve been together (one year anniversary March 25), my insecurity has caused me to kind of freak out emotionally about nothing for like the last 6 months or more. I certainly me don’t mean to invalidate my feelings, or say that he didn’t have a part in anything in particular. But no one can really make you feel bad but you, and I felt so horrible and afraid inside and he didn’t know how to comfort me – I didn’t really know how to comfort myself, but he tried really hard and often succeeded, just not permanently, and I found ways of coping and some self-soothing eventually, it just never went away, just slightly improved…maybe, but not really, to the point where he said he wasn’t sure if we were actually perfect for each other if we fought like this (nothing really nasty, just stress mainly, but still, not cool if unnecessary fights/stress).

We basically had a weekly fight and it was mostly my fault because I would get so insecure that despair overtook me, which you can imagine would get exhausting to him, especially when he tries to deal with his feelings internally so often. But it would cripple me, and stress and depress him.

So all day today, like many days now but especially today, while we were laying and hanging and talking together on the couch for like three hours, I basically tried not to be embarrassed and just asked him straight out what I wanted to know and hear him say that would make me feel less insecure about myself, the specific type of reassurance I felt I needed to feel reassured, even though it made no rational sense for me to be insecure about these things, but we had a great talk today and he told me what I wanted to hear and meant it. He has always been patient with me, but he was incredibly, openly empathetic to me tonight partially as a result of today and therapy perhaps and our good-ness for one another (at the strip club, where I work, too!) and it was so nice to be supported and embraced in that weak state, which is what I feel I wanted all along and which he tried to do.

I had a final fit of crippling insecurity tonight at the club about not being good enough to dance with those other women and how I was so worried he’d secretly want me to look like them instead and I can’t, etc, which always obviously feels like sh*t for anyone involved in that insecure energy at all, so me and him mainly. I said several times aloud “I don’t want to be insecure. I hate feeling like this, and I remember when I didn’t, or making you feel bad because of it. It doesn’t actually help anything to be insecure, does it? Not a DARN thing! Can’t think of anything that would be worth the trade off for being insecure. There’s literally no reason for it. I think being insecure/a lack of confidence is one my most major problems, especially in my relationship. Yeah – that’s a huge common thread of some of my most major problems, a major worry that infects every part of my life with poison, and it’s not necessary.”

And then, when I got home, I wanted to make sure I didn’t get insecure in bed or for the rest of the night, etc. I knew I had no reason to get insecure and it was slowly dawning on me and I was slowly talking myself up to starting to let go. Then, I got on the ol’ comp and looked up “confidence affirmations” to see  your site. Beautiful!

When I read your confidence affirmations, on inferiority, insecurity, wanting to feel beautiful and relationship insecurity I knew I could change – NOW – just like that. It’s that easy to just – let go – when you’re ready. And I was ready. AND WHEN I WAS READY YOU WERE THERE, ALL PERFECT AND ON POINT.

So literally right now I feel an immense freedom, that I can just let go of insecurity, basically completely, and be super duper confident, now, right now, and from now on. I will choose THAT positive choice of confidence over insecurity NOW. I feel like I’m so surprised how easy it was for that to happen, I thought I’d have to get hypnotized (I was imagining aloud with him how to address this, which I had finally identified explicitly in my mind), or work for like forever to slowly and painfully get less insecure and more confident, but it seemed impossible to just let go of.

But it wasn’t impossible. I just let go of insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and panic. And I have embraced full self-confidence, self-appreciation, and un-conditional self love, which I think are some of the most basic needs we have. Your free affirmations were the straw that broke the camel’s back and made it real.

“Release the old which no longer serves you and embrace the new.” -Kali, the Goddess.

It was really that easy, because I was ready, I was supported and loved and empathized with by others, and I found you. Thank you for being there for me and showing me the way, for free, easily and lovingly. I think my life just seriously changed today and GODDESS I needed that, WHEW!

You totally changed my life so thank you from me for that one and probably from him though he doesn’t believe in affirmations or the law of attraction yet but he may now ;-D

Thank you Soooooooo much for this story, to hopefully share affirmations with people to create experiences like this is why I started this site and I loved reading your story. For full transparency, “Kirsty” has asked to remain anonymous, and she isn’t really dating Ryan Gosling.

Check out our affirmations for confidence, and relationships – to read the exact affirmations that Kirsty has read and used.

Jun 052013

a plaque saying "trust the universe"This is a guest blog post by Kristen Howe – manifestation enthusiast, blogger, journalist and manifestation enthusiast.

  • “How do I increase my manifesting power?”
  • “How can I manifest everything now?”
  • “How do I speed up my manifestations?”

These are the top 3 questions I get asked about manifesting and the Law of Attraction. The first thing you have to do to begin magnetizing your desires to you is raise your vibration. The Universe responds to your vibration, and you recognize whatever you are a vibrational match for.

What that means is this…

If you are in a lower vibrational state (negativity, fear, doubt, worry etc.) you become a vibrational match for lower vibrational people, situations and manifestations.

If you are in a higher vibrational state (peace, joy, ease, confidence) you become a vibrational match for higher vibrational people, situations and manifestations.

I want to be clear about something – BOTH lower and higher vibrational people, situations and manifestations exist around you ALWAYS – what determines what flows into your life has nothing to do with what you desire existing – because what you desire exists ALWAYS – but you can’t recognize and allow what you desire until you are a vibrational match for it.

So truthfully – your only job EVER is to raise your vibration.

And there are 2 powerful things you can do right now to raise your vibration and get in alignment with what you desire consistently and effortlessly.

Step 1: Use the Universal Mirror to Change Your State and Raise Your Vibration

The universal mirrorLet me start by explaining what I mean by the Universal Mirror – and to do that, I actually want to ask a question…

“What if everything we see going on in our external world – and everything we feel because of what we see going on in our external world is actually a mirror of what is going on with us, internally?”

Take a minute to think about this and really let it sink in – because it is the opposite of what most people believe is true.

Now, here’s where this subject gets a little sticky – and here’s why – you have ALL been exposed to the Law of Attraction, Universal Laws, personal development, success strategies, inspired action etcetera – you all get it conceptually – most of you agree that change starts from within…

BUT – for most of you, or at least most of the time, when you start to feel struggle in your life or when you start to feel fear, doubt or worry, it is most often in response to something you see outside of yourself. In other words, even though you get that change starts from within conceptually, you still get pulled into feeling one way or another about your life based on what you report is happening in the world around you.

And the first thing I want to say is – that’s okay – you’re human. But, it’s time to really make this shift – it is time to transfer from getting it in concept to knowing it with every fiber of your being – in computer terms, it’s time to upgrade your operating system.

Think of these words – Confidence, security, trust – how do they make you feel? Do they make you want to withdraw or expand?

These are just words but they create such powerful emotions in us. The challenge right now is that the majority of what is being reported to us by the news and other people is based in turmoil, fear, unrest and lack.

And, here’s where I want to use the mirror effect to help you change your vibration whenever you start to struggle and report from the outside in as opposed to the inside out.

Anything negative you see in the world is reflecting back to you what you feel or fear is within you.

Let me say that again…

Anything negative you see in the world is reflecting back to you what you feel or fear is within you.

Whatever you judge in someone else you actually feel or fear is within you.

Whatever you feel you must defend – within you somewhere you agree or are scared it is wrong. (Even if it isn’t wrong – someone or something has convinced you that it may be).

Whatever you judge in someone else you unconsciously feel or fear is within you.

So, when you are responding to something negatively that is going on around you – this is a clue – it is a call to shift your attention within to look for what negative belief is showing up.

Now that you have the awareness (which will actually automatically start the shift), it’s time to share step 2 with you…

Step 2: Use the power of awareness as a vibrational ‘shift switch’

Any shift you desire – starts with awareness – literally within the awareness lays the seed for the shift to take place. The only thing that will get in the way of that shift is self-judgment or a change in perspective.

It’s really that simple – once we become aware of something, the focus and attention on it causes it to shift – subtly at first, but over time, that awareness holds within it the catalyst for complete transformation.

Think about this on a very basic level – let’s say you are out for a walk – and without you realizing it, your shoe is slightly rubbing against your heel. You keep walking because you aren’t yet aware of what is going on.

Then, after a little more walking, you start to become AWARE of a slight burning sensation in your heel. That awareness instantly causes a shift because with the awareness comes your focus and attention. And with the awareness, you start to walk a little differently in an attempt to stop the rubbing.

Then, after more time, the burning gets painful enough that you finally stop, take off your shoe and put on a band aid so the blister can heal.

The shift began with your awareness. It happens every time with everything!

So, the question you can use to transform is this “How can I use the awareness, I just received from the Universal Mirror, to raise my vibration?

When you ask this question – and commit to stay away from judging yourself – raising your vibration is inevitable – and once your vibration rises, you get in alignment with your desires. Now, give thanks and allow your desires to flow into your life.

This is a Guest Post from Kristen Howe

Krsiten HoweKristen Howe is an internationally known writer and author for her work in the area of manifestation. She runs the popular LoA blog – The Law of Attraction Key.

In her own words:

It is my passion to live big, create big, love big and help other people Go Big through inspired action and the law of attraction…

And the best way I can see to do that is to help them learn how to harness the Law of Attraction, is by helping you understand the Law of Attraction Key. And that is what this site and this newsletter is about… the key.

You can also visit her at http://www.newmessageofamaster.com/

There you can download a FREE PDF featuring 16 Forgotten Manifesting Laws