May 252013

Your mind is a very powerful thing and it’s your thoughts that control how you act and how you go through life.

If you have the ability to change your thoughts then you have the ability to change yourself on a core level and drastically improve the quality of life.

When it comes to changing the way you think there happens to be a number of different methods but the two we are going to look into today, in this “rap battle” extraordinaire our very own positive affirmations Vs subliminal messages.

Positive Affirmations

young girl saying her positive affirmations into the mirror

Positive Affirmations are short positive statements that you repeat over and over. The reason you repeat them over and over is because one of the ways to access your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that controls your beliefs, is through constant repetition.

So, at first you really wont believe the affirmations that you are saying but overtime they will eventually sink in and you will start to notice that the way you think has started to change and of course you are now behaving differently.

It’s always easier to understand something with examples, so here are some affirmations for someone who is looking to become happy:

  • I am happy
  • I think only positive thoughts
  • I am 100% happy with who I am
  • I am able to see the good in every situation

Someone who isn’t very happy would take those affirmations and what they would do is they would repeat them each day. Not just once but they would repeat them at least twice each day and they would say them in a confident manner with 100% belief behind them as confidence and belief is needed to make them work.

Of course they wouldn’t start to feel happy after one day of using them, instead it will take a while to work but overtime they will sink into the subconscious mind and that person will find themselves much more happier.

The main benefit with positive affirmations is that they are super simple to use, you can get started within just 5 minutes (just read our guide), and that you can make them for almost any subject area you want to progress in.

Subliminal Messages

man with a subliminal sound wave going into his earTo understand subliminal messages you need to know that you have two different types of perception – conscious and subconscious.

For ease now we are going to refer to subliminal messages as in their audio form.. as this is actually the point of this article.

With conscious perception you are actually aware of the message. For example when you repeat a positive affirmation you are of course aware that you’re being exposed to it and say when you’re listening to a song, you hear the song lyrics and you know that you’ve heard them.

Subconscious perception on the other hand picks up on things but you aren’t aware that you have picked up on them and it’s the subconscious perception that picks up on subliminal messages, which are messages that have been put together to avoid conscious perception.

In audio form, all subliminal messages are, are simply positive affirmations, initially read aloud, but then moved to a higher sound frequency – i.e. they are made subliminal.

Subliminal messages are just positive affirmations!

The main benefit with subliminal messages is that they are a more passive experience. You can play them while you wash the dishes, clean the house, do your homework, write that report, hit the treadmill. The hard work has been done for you, the affirmations are recorded and non-intrusive.

Which Is Better?

Right now you might be wondering if you should use subliminal messages or positive affirmations.

Well, some will tell you that positive affirmations are the way to go and you should stay away from subliminal audio while others say the opposite and say only use subliminal audio to change your thoughts and don’t waste your time on affirmations.

The thing these people don’t understand though is that both positive affirmations and subliminal messages work and it is a personal choice, not a solid given that one is better than the other.

Whether you decide to use positive affirmations or subliminal audio to change your thoughts you will get results, it just depends on how your mind interprets the info, and usually a little experimentation is required to actually just see which one is best for you personally, which one resonates with you, suits your lifestyle, and brings results.

Often, it might be both. The best thing to do then is to use a mixture of both positive affirmations and subliminal programming 🙂

To give both a try you can get started with our free positive affirmations ebook, or try a free subliminal mp3 from Real Subliminal.

May 152013

an arrow shooting into the year 2013 textIt is already only February, but apparently, 99% of us have already broken our new year’s resolutions… but it’s not too late, you can start again and use these 5 tips to take it more seriously this time!

Like others you’ve set yourself some goals that you want to achieve by the end of 2013 but unlike 99% of other people and unlike last year you want to stick to these goals.

Well, there are many things you can do to help yourself to stick to your goals but five of the really best things to do are:

1. Be Very Specific

If you really want to achieve something it’s important that you be very specific. For example if you want to make more money make sure you know exactly how much more money you want to make or if you want to lose weight like many people do then you need to know how much weight you want to have lost by the end of the year.

2. Add Emotion To Your Goals

Us humans act on emotion, it’s important then that you tie emotion to your goals. So, if you do want to lose weight then think about the reasons why you are losing weight, maybe it’s because you want to be more attractive to the opposite sex or you want to be able to run around with your children.

3. Use The Power of Visualization

A study was once done where a basketball team was divided into three groups and one group practiced their free throws and also spent time visualizing themselves free throwing, the second group just visualized and the third group just practiced the free throws and did no visualizing.

The results of the study showed that the group that visualized and practiced improved the most and that the group who did just the visualizing improved better than the group who did nothing but practice.

I’m sure you can see then that the power of visualization can really help you to achieve your goals. Make sure then that you take time each day to really picture yourself achieving your goals, and don’t make these visualization mistakes – the more feeling and emotion you can insert the better!

Take a look at our affirmations for visualizing to improve your visualization skills!

4. Make Use of Positive Affirmations

How you think determines what you will get in life. To achieve your goals then it’s important that you think in a way that allows you to achieve them and that can be done by using the power of positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are positive statements that describe the person you want to be and what you do is you take these affirmations and you repeat them aloud at least twice a day and what happens is eventually the way you think starts to change and you end up with a mindset that is much more conductive to you living the life you want.

5. Tell a Friend

Make yourself accountable by telling a friend what your goals and ambitions are. When we keep them to ourselves and we don’t follow through then no one knows, we don’t lose face..

However, if you tell other people, then they will check on you, you increase your accountability and add extra pressure to perform, to stick to your goals and to reach your destination.

May 052013

Man working on a futuristic computerIf you imagine that your subconscious mind is like a hard disk of a computer, over time this tree, just like a computer can get cluttered by bad programs and corrupt files.

In your human mind these bad programs and corrupt files can be related to negative influences in your environment, disempowering information from the media, bad habits that you pick up over time, chronic stress and even the food and drink we consume.

This hard disk is responsible for your heart beat, your breathing, your long term memory, your digestive system, your immune system and the majority of the processing power of your thoughts and emotions takes place here too.

So when this goes wrong, so does your health, your well being, your mind power and even your ability to attract and manifest the things that you want.

Correction with Affirmations

Thankfully you can correct these bad programs by using meditation techniques with positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are suggestions that you make to your subconscious mind that change your habitual thinking patterns.

However your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between negative and positive.

For example if you want to attract money, you cannot say things like I don’t want to be poor because your subconscious mind will act upon the word poor, ignoring the word don’t and will bring that result instead.

So you must choose what you say to your subconscious mind very carefully and that is why we use positive affirmations.

Your subconscious mind is most open to suggestions while you are in the ‘alpha’ brainwave state.

This state of mind is when you are most relaxed and calm.

You produce most alpha waves when you are in a meditative or prayer state or just before you go to sleep and have your eyes closed.

You can also produce alpha waves using a special technology known as brainwave entrainment or alpha wave producing meditation music.

While you are in this alpha state you can now start to repeat positive affirmations to your subconscious, by chanting them out loud, or just repeating them consciously with conviction in your mind.

Here is the formula you must follow to make positive affirmations work for you.

5 Steps to Success with Affirmations

  1. Baby with a funny face of successThey must be said while in an alpha state, a positive state of conscious focus
  2. They must be all affirmative and said with conviction and confidence
  3. They should involved a specific action
  4. Repetition is essential, so the more times you repeat an affirmation the better. It should become a daily practice.
  5. Be aware that positive affirmations do not magically manifest results, what they do instead is open your subconscious to new channels of information and opportunity, so you must take action on these in order for any major changes to happen to your life.

So remember to pick the right statements for your intentions, then make it a daily habit to clear the clutter and reprogram your subconscious mind!

With repetition, when coming from a position of confidence and conviction, affirmations can be a powerful tool to spark changes within your mind from which you can really take action and see a huge difference in your life!

This is a Guest Post from Niraj Naik

Niraj is the founder of the Alpha Mind System – which he created using a fusion of brainwave entrainment and his own musical compositions. His background musician and scientist with classical training in ancient indian vedic and gregorian music gave him an ear for artistic expression and his attention to detail and knowledge of sound waves and beats helped him to create his master system.
Profile picture of Niraj NaikHe then used his own Alpha Mind System and compositions to literally turn his life around and regain his health after serious illnesses.

Find out more about how the alpha mind system works here, or visit his homepage at:


Apr 252013

Girl meditating next to a treeIt is probably no surprise that a lot of people choose the path of meditation for self-discovery. There are many reasons why meditation can help people reflect with more clarity. Meditation allows the mind and the body to relax and that helps in introspecting about life and the world immensely.

While there are several ways that you can meditate to embark on the path of understanding yourself, the most common remain to be reflection and relaxation. Whatever way you approach meditation, you need to be in a quiet and peaceful place where you can be disturbed by no distractions.

History of Meditation

Meditation is an ancient art and has been practiced over centuries for introspection and analysis of human thought and emotion. It is easy to ignore the importance of spending time with yourself in the hassle of everyday life and to discover your feelings and needs. Incidents and situations often trigger us to make hasty and rash judgments about life without any reasoning.

More often than not, we only realize that we have been wrong due to poor understanding. The importance of the basic philosophical question of “Know Thyself” is often emphasized but not often understood. But is knowing yourself easy, or even possible? Meditation is one way to reach your destination.

But there is not one way to approach meditation and the history of meditation in the West and the East is diverse. However, there is one factor common in all forms of meditation and that is solitude.

The Bible has been a central part of the Western religion and it emphasizes the need of long meditation and praying for answers with perseverance. The disciple Paul shows the way by emphasizing the need of meditating on what he called the deeper things for enlightenment.

Artistic picture of Buddha meditatingEastern cultures not only rely on silence, but also on word for meditation. A good example is the Buddhists who meditate by repeatedly chanting “N’am Yoho Renge Kyo” in order to purge unnecessary and vile thoughts from their natural minds. According to the teachings of Buddha, the meditating soul can reach the truth in this state.

Another example was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Indian spiritual teacher who was popularized in the West in the ‘60s. He preached that just a single word “Om” was enough for concentration in meditation. He said that chanting this word repeatedly will transcend the one who meditates to an enlightened state from the ordinary material life.

No matter what form, meditation can offer great help in reflecting over life, its problems and the important decisions that make their solutions. Meditation helps reduce hasty and rash decision through the reflection and understanding it involves. To meditate is to ponder and to ponder is to introspect. This involves thorough and concentrated understanding of a person’s nature and desires. There is no wonder why people feel so relaxed and rejuvenated after meditation.

The Right Way to Meditate

A girl meditating with strong postureYou don’t really need to enquire about what particular form of meditation to follow in order to practice it. Just follow basic guidelines such as finding a peaceful and quiet place where nothing or no one could distract you. Meditation requires complete attention and you don’t want your attention diverted elsewhere.

Once you find yourself in the right kind of environment, meditating is actually pretty simple. When you find yourself relaxed enough to concentrate properly, start asking yourself a series of questions. Questions such as what is the most important to you, what do you love doing the most and what do you think about a certain part of your life.

Never move on to the next question without finding an answer and don’t try too hard to find the answer. Instead, rely on the first word that comes to your mind about something. You would have seen on media or would have played yourself the game of saying the first word that comes to your mind about someone or something. This is called Word Association and if offers great insight into the deepest thoughts and desires of a person.

Carry on the series of questioning while keeping your mind relaxed, starting with the simplest. Ask yourself about what you love to eat and what kind of movies interest you and then move on to the next level, that is, the questions that really matter to your life. Ask yourself what you really want to do and achieve in your life. Ask yourself about your career, your family and things you have never done but want to try. Ask yourself how happy you are and how do you see money influencing your life.

Confronting these questions will enable you to reflect more clearly on any decisions that you need to make about important issues in your life. But don’t just expect everything to get sorted overnight. Meditation is a process and over time it will start helping you out with developing clarity about what is important to your life.

Consistency for Effectiveness

Meditation can work wonders for you as far as knowing yourself is concerned but it is not magic. Don’t just expect everything in your life to fix itself through meditation. For results, you would need to be consistent and organized in your meditation.

Make sure that you write down your findings after each meditation session and do it right away while all the answers are fresh in your memory. Build on these answers in the next session. Don’t jump to making a decision after just one session. Reading your answers can immensely help you in making the right decision about an issue.

Frequency of Meditation

The right frequency of meditation entirely depends on you, considering how much you can manage in your schedule. Some people can meditate for more than one session a day, while the others cannot.

However, it also depends upon your commitment to meditation and how strongly you want to resolve certain issues in your life for which you seek the assistance for decision making. Speaking of decision making, never reach a conclusion before sitting through at least 5 to 6 sessions, with the rate of at least one session a day.

Spending several sessions on a particular decision would help bring out feedback from various aspects of your personality. This will particularly be helpful if you are uncertain about a decision and if you consider necessary, then you should meditate on the issue for an even longer time.

Since meditation helps you know yourself better, it would improve your quality of life in many ways. Meditation will sharpen your memory, improve your social and cognitive skills, allow better control over your emotions and improve your decision making power.

Meditation can certainly change your life for the better but all it requires is intent and action.

Coming to know yourself well can only improve your relational skills, improve your memory, calm your emotions and help you to make sound decisions. You will find that, over time, it will yield a lot of improvement in how you think and feel. Meditation is a wonderful self-improvement tool.

This is a Guest Post from

For more information on meditation, reiki, chakras, spirituality and metaphysics, please visit:

Apr 152013

image of a globe in someone's handsThis is a guest post from Rishan Bhagowat from Manifest Absolutely Anything.

In this week’s blog post I am going to share with you the three biggest mistakes I see our clients make when it comes to applying the Law of Attraction and visualization.

Fixing just these three mistakes will supercharge your visualizations and empower you to manifest your deepest desires with unbelievable consistency.

Mistake #1: Not Enough Detail

The first mistake I’m going to call out is not visualizing with enough detail. We’re all guilty of this one (even me!)

Objective research has conclusively shown that the more detailed we can get with out goals and visualization, the more effort we’re likely to put in to achieving those goals, the more likely we are to persist through challenges…and the more likely we are to succeed.

The level of detail that is required is to describe *exactly* what it will look like when you have accomplished your goal. This involves details about the environment, the people involved, the sights, sounds, feelings (both physical and emotional) etc.

The easiest way to get this kind of detail is to write a one page description of exactly what it will look like when you’ve achieved your goal. Writing it down and forcing yourself to make it at least one page forces you think about the kind of detail that creates amazing results.

Mistake #2: Thinking Only of the Positive

This one might be a little counter-intuitive but stick with me for a second.

Gabriele Oettingen, professor of Psychology at NYU has clearly shown over thousands of experiments done by her and her team, that imagining *only* the final outcome results in a lower level of commitment and action…and a lower level of success.

Instead, what we want to do is go back and forth between the final outcome and various challenges and steps along the way.

So in practice first we first imagine the final outcome in all the glorious detail mentioned in “Mistake #1,” then we think about some challenges we might face along the way, then we switch back to imagining the final outcome, then we consider some of the steps we’ll need to take…and so on and so on.

Fixing this one mistake with exponentially increase your motivation to action on your goal and your ability to deal with challenges along the way…allowing you to manifest whatever it is you desire quicker and easier than ever before.

Mistake #3: Ignoring the Practical Details

colorful eyeIn a set of related experiments, Professor Oettingen and her colleges have shown that taking the time to think about and visualize the steps along the way to our goal results in greater level of effort, persistence and success.

Once we’ve gone through the process outlined in “Mistake #2” (it’s called Mental Contrasting by the way) we’ll have a good idea of some of the things we’ll need to do manifest our desire.

At first these may be broad, vague ideas..that’s OK, they’ll become more specific with time.

For now, we want to take these ideas and insert them into our visualization practice. We want to see ourselves going through the steps to manifesting our desire and dealing with some of the possible challenges along the way.

Adding in this step programs our resources to take the action necessary to manifest our desires, making it as automatic and as painless as possible.

This is a Guest Post from Rishan Bhagowat

Rishan Bhagowat profile pictureRishan became one of the youngest practicing actuaries in the world at age 22. He promptly “retired” from that professional job as an actuary at age 23.

Since then, Rishan has travelled extensively and now lives life on his terms. He has lived in at least 7 countries in the last 5 years and visited countless others. His story is a real world example of the freedom you can achieve using his technology.

Rishan’s approach to the Law of Attraction steers clear of magical thinking and is strongly grounded in objective research and what works in the real world.

If you enjoyed his evidence based approach to the Law of Attraction check out his step-by-step blueprint to manifesting absolutely anything desire *almost overnight* on his website here: