Sep 052013

This probably isn’t the first time that you heard about the law of attraction, but how much do you actually know about what it is and how it works?

What Is the Law of Attraction?

A pink elephant wearing glassesThe concept is pretty simple: your thoughts attract things and circumstances into your life.

That may sound a bit off, but here’s the deal: the law of attraction isn’t wishful thinking, and not every single thought you have is capable of manifesting in the real world (that’s why that pink elephant that you just thought of didn’t appear in front of you).

The basics of quantum physics state that everything around you, including the people and objects that surround you, your physical being, your thoughts and emotions, is made of pure energy. Your thoughts vibrate at a certain frequency; every object and every living thing vibrate at a certain frequency, because that’s what energy does: it vibrates.

While vibrating, the energy attracts other objects that vibrate at the matching frequency. And it’s all science – but you don’t really need to know that.

What you do need to know is that your thoughts, when they are focused and empowered by a strong emotion that matches them, are attracting things to you.

How It Works

Take a real life example: you’re thinking about attracting a new car, you know exactly what brand and type, even the color, you want to buy, your mind is focused on that idea – and all of a sudden you start seeing that particular car type everywhere.

Well, that was the Law of attraction in motion. It brought that car to your life – because the energy of your thoughts matched its frequency.

Now check this: you have done that without knowing about the law of attraction, without purposely using it. Imagine what you could do if you learned how to do that intentionally, and not only to see the car – or anything else – everywhere around you (that’s only the first step), but if you could really have it without much trouble, with just learning how to properly focus your thoughts and emotions?

The Catch with the Law of Attraction

Thoughts create realityThe Law of attraction works whether you are aware of it or not, whether you want it or not.

It keeps manifesting more of what you’re focused on – it just does, it’s the energy at work. This then means that you can also manifest the negative things, if you’re focused on them: focusing on the lack of money for example attracts more lack of money; focusing on how desperate you are because you don’t have a romantic partner attracts – want to guess? Exactly – more things to be unhappy about related to your love life. And the list goes on.

With that in mind, you can understand that the title of this article isn’t quite accurate – because the Law of attraction is already changing your life. It’s now up to you to decide whether you want to influence the process and take the matter into your own hands, and to create the life you want – or to keep wondering why only the bad things happen to you, pretending that you have no influence over it.

This is a Guest Post from the Law of Attraction Library

Law of Attraction Library eBookThis post is brought to you from The Law of Attraction Library (the world’s largest resource for law of attraction information).

They write free information, articles, and complete guides to the law of attraction, teaching you core principles and steps to success as well as information on visualizing and projecting your desires out to the greater universe.

To find out more (their whole site is 100% free) please visit them and get a free 29 page eBook. Their free eBook titled “Simple Steps to Success with the Law of Attraction is making waves around the Internet right now.

Aug 252013

Happy couple at a tropical beachHappiness is something we all could do with a little more of, but today’s fast-paced lifestyle of increased work stress and financial uncertainty has left many of us with a shortage of it.

We seem to spend massive amounts of effort worrying about the state of the economy, whether or not we’re got that big promotion and the price of gas, leaving little time to truly allow ourselves to be happy. However, a general increase in happiness could well be the answer to most of our worries…

Happiness and Positive Thought

Now, we’ve all heard of the power of positive thought made famous by The Secret. Well, scientifically speaking, there is truth to it. Keeping one’s brain happy with good, pleasurable thoughts, according to Dr Teresa Aubele of Florida State University, actually helps with our ability to be more productive and improves our cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that happier people are more creative, have increased problem solving abilities and are generally more productive. Oh, and are nicer to be around!

So, just how do we keep our brain happy? Well, it’s not as hard as you would think! Keeping a positive frame of mind will immediately increase your happiness. Spending time thinking negative thoughts and dwelling on past mistakes has been proven to drain your brain of energy.

By thinking positive thoughts we engage the part of the brain known as the Prefrontal Cortex. The prefrontal cortex is basically the epicentre of our emotions and the one place where we can control how we feel.

Diagram of the prefrontal cortexBy keeping an optimistic, positive outlook we actually generate more serotonin, which in turns gives us that calming feeling of well-being. The moment we start so slip into a pessimistic frame of mind we actually stop ourselves from reaching our true potential. Neuroscientists have proven that a positive frame of mind increases activity in the prefrontal cortex. This increased activity is what drives us to complete our goals and reach the heights we wish to.

Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, one of the world’s leading experts on happiness, talks about how the need for a positive outlook is essential to increasing, and maintaining, our happiness levels. Negative-minded people have been shown to spend time thinking of how they don’t match up to those around them, mulling over past mistakes and considering the things that could have been. This attitude not only hampers their happiness but decreases their chances of being successful in life.

Professor Lyubomirsky goes on to caution us about letting ourselves dwell on past failures. By allowing ourselves to continually relive the negative emotions tied to our own regrets, we lower our ability to be happy. It’s a proven fact that reliving past glories or triumphs can help motivate us and increase productivity, but the same can be said for negative experiences. While introspection and learning from our mistakes is a vital part of growing as person, we need to be careful we don’t allow ourselves to become too caught up in the emotions of negative events.

Decision making goes a long way to avoiding such regrets and it is here we can make a big step to ensuring lasting happiness. Be careful about making those snap decisions. Rather, take your time and consider them properly. Even those decision we feel have been unconsidered can be proven to be quite the opposite.

Take a situation like choosing one college over another. Perhaps you think you chose where to do a post-graduate degree almost on a whim but in fact it was a decision most-likely backed up by prior knowledge. This knowledge you could have accumulated through experiences such as interactions with other people or things you might have read.

With correct decision making and a positive outlook comes an increased level of happiness and productivity. This ultimately leads us to be more successful, which is something we all strive for. Wealth and happiness have always been thought to go hand-in-hand, with rich people cited as being the happiest of us all. This isn’t entirely the case.

Wealth and Happiness

Picture of a key and some moneyWealth and happiness really comes down to our basic needs. If, for example, you spend most of your life living close to the poverty line a sudden jump increase in wealth will massively increase your happiness. With this influx of money worries such as where the next meal is coming from, how to make rent or providing basic things for your family disappear. These basic needs are what control our happiness.

The increase in happiness due to wealth does scale down. If a financially comfortable person comes into more money, their level of happiness will rise but in a much smaller fashion. Money is something that can have a positive and negative effect on our happiness. Some extremely rich people have been found to be deeply unhappy. A lot of people set themselves financial goals but often find themselves a little surprised at how little reaching that goal impacted on their happiness.

It really comes down to how we use our wealth. Buying a bunch of fancy, new things will definitely give you an instant high. However, this happiness has no lasting value to it. The impact is more immediate but also peters out over time. Choosing more philanthropic ways to spend our money will immediately increase our levels of happiness.

Look at growing yourself as a person. Learn a new hobby or take up an interest that you’ve never done before. This will not only give you the satisfaction of learning a new skill or meeting new people, but it will give you something that can be enjoyed for a long period of time and sustain your happiness.

Also, look to contribute to those around you. A study was done with 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. Over four weeks they were told to do at least three acts of kindness or charity per day. Most of these acts occurred at home and outside of the school. However, the kids showed a marked increase in happiness as well as popularity at school. The effect of the charitable acts had a positive impact on all facets of their lives.

By connecting with other people and growing relationships we allow ourselves the opportunity to create bonds that will give us a lasting happiness instead of a quick once-off jolt like a new gadget or vacation. A happy life ultimately comes down to our frame of mind and by creating situations where we continually feed our happiness we can ensure that we have lasting happiness.

This is a Guest Post from Tiffany. K

picture of guest author Tiffany KTiffany.K is an avid student and coach in personal development. She believes that the whole point of living life is to be happy. She shares her knowledge through articles like this to help others attain more happiness in their lives. You will love Tiffany.K’s gift called the Happiness Bible.

At Pursuing Happiness, Tiffany runs a weekly self improvement newsletter with free articles, tips, and information from her own life – you can get your copy of the Happiness Bible (click here to download your free copy) and join her newsletter for more info.



Aug 152013

Never in Your Wildest Dreams Book CoverHave you ever had a dream that you thought was beyond reach?

Did you decide not to go after it because you told yourself that it just wouldn’t be possible or you weren’t worth it?

So many of us can get bogged down by negative thoughts, which is what happened to Katherine Murray in my recently released book Never In Your Wildest Dreams. As the author, I wanted to take the reader on a journey that they could relate to by drawing on my own personal experiences while striving for success.

This is a transformational story that will help you tap into your hidden gifts and create a life of passion, purpose, and prosperity, just like I did. Follow Katherine as she learns life-altering secrets that turn her dreams into reality. One of the biggest lessons you’ll learn in the book is how to Eliminate Your Self-Limiting Beliefs.

Self-limiting beliefs are essentially negative thoughts that are rooted deep in your subconscious mind that can block you from reaching your goals and achieving success in life.

Many of us have been plagued by self-limiting beliefs for years, or even decades. You might not realize it’s happening because these beliefs are often developed by what you saw and heard during childhood. These thoughts can play in a continuous loop for such a long time that they become embedded in your brain and become very difficult to identify. But, understanding how negative thoughts can block your success is the first step towards a successful solution!

Start being aware to your thoughts and how you think about other people. What is your attitude towards specific things like money, relationships and self-worth? Pay attention to your thoughts about other people. The dialogue you have with yourself about others is typically a good indicator of what you are also telling yourself on a subconscious level.

Once you have identified recurring negative thoughts, it becomes easier to pinpoint the areas you need to shift your focus and retrain your brain. Begin to feed your mind with healthy, positive affirmations coupled with visualization.

You’ll notice that you will begin activating the Law of Attraction in your life. From there, you’ll experience a whole new level of life and what it means to live in a state of abundance, well beyond your Wildest Dreams!

Learn how to eliminate your self-limiting beliefs and other lessons along with Katherine as she embarks on her journey of self-discovery by getting a copy of the book TODAY!

You Can Get One Right Here

But, what’s unique about this book is we take it a step further by enabling you to participate in a multimedia experience by going “Inside the Chapters”.

Here you will find videos from me that offer a unique perspective and fill in any gaps as you begin to create your own blueprint to manifest your Wildest Dreams. I take you behind the scenes and into the head of Katherine to explain the life lesson she is going through, how it relates to my personal experiences, and how you can put this lesson to work for you immediately.

You really can tap into your hidden gifts and create a life of passion, purpose and prosperity

This is a Guest Blog Post from Natalie Ledwell

Natalie Ledwell profile pictureNatalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. On her lifelong path
of personal development, she has gained extensive knowledge in the Law of Attraction, visualization and manifestation.

She empowers others to achieve success beyond their wildest dreams regularly on her online TV show The Inspiration Show.

Natalie is also a co-founder of Mind Movies, which has helped countless people all around the world.

This week, Natalie’s new book “Never In Your Wildest Dreams” Launches – and to celebrate she is giving away $408 worth of free gifts alongside it:

Check out Natalie’s Book Launch and Claim Your Free Gifts

Aug 052013

Children often say insightful, mind blowing things. All we need to do is listen to them without dismissing their thoughts with our limited mindset that often rejects words of wisdom that do not fit into our mold of thinking, especially coming from a child.

The video bellow showcases a boy with fabulously insightful thoughts on alternate universes, the limits of human perception, meaning of life, destiny, why sports are necessary and a few more of the toughest questions humanity will ever face.

What makes his answers even more mind blowing is the fact that he is only nine years old, and that he obviously gave lots thought to such age old questions that the human race has trouble answering even today.

The man who interviewed the kid says that that the boy was in no way prepared for the interview, that he is not home schooled and that what the nine year old says is likely not reiteration of what his parents said to him.

Watching this video I would tend to agree, as it seems too spontaneous and leaves no doubt that the boy shows an intriguing level of mental clarity and knows what he is talking about.

Anyways, enough rambling – watch this amazing seven minute video on Youtube:


Jul 252013

Celebrating Beginnings and Endings Book CoverThis is a guest blog post from author, Paula Pugh.

If you are on this website, you already know the power of affirmations. Realizing what you need and taking the time to make changes is significant and has the potential of transforming your life. I would like to offer a complementary angle on affirmations – a broad picture of working with others to present a place to share meaningful reflections.

Giving ourselves affirmations is important work. But what about if you were able to hear about yourself from others? Your friends and family supporting you for being yourself and affirming your value and meaning in their lives……or you could do that for someone else?

You may not receive the specific affirmations you are personally working on, but you may receive a picture of who you are in the eye of others. Gratitude, love and encouragement are powerful medicine. We can add these ingredients into our lives easily if we just know how to incorporate them. These are free gifts for our soul. Here are some examples.

Examples of Cultivating Affirmations for Others

Your mother is having her 50th birthday. You want to do something special for her and she doesn’t need more stuff. You gather a group of friends asking each person to bring a single flower. When everyone has arrived, you meet in a circle. You explain what you are going to do – tell your mom what she has meant to them, tell a favorite story about her, why she is important. As you go around the circle, each guest says what they want to say and adds the flower to a vase that has been set up in the middle of the circle on a pretty little centering table. By the end of the time, the vase is filled and she can take it home as a reminder of the day. If someone is too shy to say something, they can simply add their flower to the vase and say Happy Birthday.

Our 6 year old granddaughter loves the birthday bowl. In this case we have a fairly large bowl with low sides filled with sand or rice. Each guest is given a candle (a bit larger than the usual cake candles and smaller than tapers). The birthday person puts her candle in the middle of the bowl and lights it. Each guest then says what they appreciate about her or tells a story, lights their candle from the middle and puts it around the edge of the bowl. By the end of the ceremony, the bowl is filled with love and light. Add the birthday bowl to your traditions for yourself as well as your loved ones.

Take the time to write a card to a friend for a birthday, for no reason except that you are thinking about them, or if they are in distress about something. Affirming them can be very meaningful. Take the time to write a card to yourself doing the same thing – reminding you of your own gifts and value.

I was recently written up in our local paper as a Hometown Hero. The author interviewed me, sent out questionnaires to my friends who then sent in letters telling about what I had meant to them in their lives. The author put together the article and it came out in the local paper. Not everything that everyone has said is in the paper, but the author sends me all the letters. Talk about being affirmed! It was so overwhelming to publicly be upheld that I am still awash in their kind words.

Do we have to wait for a big moment like this (or until a memorial service) to express our joy in having friends? This experience has reminded me to take the opportunity, whenever it arrives, in person or in writing, to share what I value in my friends and family – essentially giving affirmations to others. My guess is when we do that, our own self esteem grows as we see ourselves in others.

People learn to be receivers as well as givers with these small rituals. I cannot explain the power and value of taking the time and having a place to express appreciations for those special in your life.

The power of positive connection with others brings joy, aliveness and meaning to everyone involved. Learning how to make a place where that love can express itself is easy. It just takes a little courage to do something different, very little money and willing participants.

This is A Guest Blog Post from Paula Pugh

Paula Pugh profile pictureYou can learn more about marking moments and setting up places of connection on her Mark the Moment website, or stories of what people have created for themselves on Refreshing ideas will encourage your creativity to move into action to affirm yourself and others.

Paula Pugh, Author of Celebrating Beginnings and Endings – a guide to learning how to mark important life events. With twenty years as educator, celebrant, facilitator, story teller, Paula uses her skills to help people move from ordinary space to deepen connections without spending a lot of money, using creative ideas to share from the heart.