Bodybuilding Positive Affirmations


Bodybuilders are often recognized as champions in the area of physical fitness. They are also admired for their strength and determination. Join the ranks of the elite by developing a bodybuilder’s physique and you will stand out as an exceptional athlete and be noticed by many people.

These affirmations will guide you to meet this challenging goal by helping you to develop the right attitude, and believe in your ability to succeed. If you take these affirmations seriously and stick to using them every day, you will surpass even your wildest expectations when it comes to bodybuilding.

So shrug off those who try to discourage you, and remember that becoming a bodybuilder takes sheer grit, determination, and the right frame of mind – all of which can be trained into you with the help of these free positive affirmations!

Present Tense Affirmations
I am a successful bodybuilder
My muscles are huge
I am highly motivated to bulk up
I always push through the pain
I have developed an excellent bodybuilding routine
My dedication to bodybuilding is unsurpassed
I am driven to achieve bodybuilding excellence
My physique is strong and healthy
I am consistent in my workout routine
My bodybuilding knowledge is extensive


Future Tense Affirmations
I will become a successful bodybuilder
People will recognize me as an elite athlete
My muscles are growing bigger and bigger
My muscular appearance will be noticed wherever I go
I am transforming into a championship bodybuilder
People will seek my advice concerning bodybuilding
I will fearlessly compete with seasoned bodybuilders
I will stay dedicated to reaching my bodybuilding goals
My muscular growth will be limitless
I will shed any excess fat


Natural Affirmations
I have a very muscular body
Bodybuilding is my passion
I know how to increase my fitness level
My strength and endurance are extremely high
I dream of becoming a champion bodybuilder
A strong level of determination is what drives me
I am willing to dedicate as much time as needed to my workouts
People encourage and support me
Being strong and healthy is a natural part of my life
Bodybuilding is a way of life for me

Recommended Tools for Bodybuilders

Natural Bodybuilding Training Subliminal: Learn to unleash the power of your mind in order to develop the physique of your dreams. These subliminal messages are designed to help you rewire your subconscious and influence your body for improved muscle growth, definition, and motivation to train.

Think Big Hypnosis: Bodybuilders need to think outside the box. They have huge dreams and aspire to achieve things other people can only imagine doing. Use this professionally guided hypnosis to channel positive energy, dream big, and achieve even bigger things than you ever thought possible!

Body Building Training Subliminal: Use these subliminal Mp3s to enhance your performance in the gym. Stay motivated during your workout so you can perform more reps and lift increasing amounts of weight more easily!