Oct 212013

Little kid feeling successfulWhen it comes to manifestation and making purposeful changes in your life, there’s no better way to make it work for you than being able to get yourself into the zone. You will have experienced this before at some point in your life, and you probably haven’t realised it.

The zone is that phase in your life, when everything just goes right. The feeling is simply awesome! It’s when everything you touch just seems to turn to gold. However, for most of us, we don’t have that luxurious life of having it all of the time. That’s why learning to access the zone more often is a valuable thing to learn.

One of the best ways to access the zone is using “intent” for manifestation. Put simply, intent is the deepest form of concentrated focus you can have. When you master your intent, amazing things will happen in your life.

The Principle Of Intent Explained

The point of building your intent is to give you enough manifestation power to achieve your goals. It means focusing intently on your dreams and other aspirations and living your life a certain way so that your intent builds automatically.

One way that helps this process is meditation, but there are many other tools you can use. For example, imagination exercises (which are different from visualization), self-image tools, no-self exercises and so on.
As the saying goes… “An empty mind is a powerful mind.” and there are so many diverse things you can do to enhance your success higher.

So, as your intent builds, your ability to get into the zone will also improve.

The Subconscious Mind To Access The Zone

Another reason you want to build your intent is to access the subconscious mind. In this state, your goals will be passing through from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and being charged with manifestation powers. This is exactly why the zone seems to feel so good. You’re in a state where your manifestation energies are flowing in total unison and harmony.

Your subconscious also knows your innermost dreams and can make better decisions than your conscious mind can. So, getting at this level is you becoming more effective as a person and doing the right thing when you need it.

The Zone Gives You Intuition

door in cityWhen you start to access the zone, intuition will also come to the surface. This is when you have to listen to your gut instinct and move quickly so you can get maximum results.

Intuition is also helped with mind-calming exercises. The Laws Of Mind talks about this and its importance, but basically, the calmer your mind is, the better chance you have of being able to listen to intuition when it comes.

A lot of the time we have thoughts in our head but aren’t able to tell which thoughts are more important than others. If we learn to silence our thoughts and access the true silence inside our minds, enormous levels of manifestation will come about. You’ll notice an increase in creativity and positivity that will motivate you further for your goals.

The Energy Around You Builds Intent

Another powerful force that helps get into the zone is the energy around you. If the environment around you is cluttered and messy, your manifestations and ability to access the zone is also cluttered. Its essential you live in a place where the environment is operating efficiently so learn to do this now.

This is exactly why busy, efficient offices in big cities and business environments have people accessing the zone so many times. The nature of the place with so much going on makes people efficient, releasing manifestation energy.

There is so much more that can be said here and this is just a very small introduction.

This is a Guest Blog Post from Kads Adams

Kads Adams profile pictureKads runs the popular law of attraction resource “Manifestation Intelligence” – this week, actually right now, he has just released a BRAND NEW free manifestation ebook – it’s called Laws of Mind in which you can learn more about how to access the immense powers which lie within you. As you start to unlock your power, the life you truly desire can once and for all be achieved:

Laws of Mind Free eBook

The truth is, we all have dreams, yet very few of us are able to live the lives we’ve always dreamt of. On the other hand, we learn manifestation secrets but sometimes it doesn’t work as well as we would have liked.

The beauty of Kad’s Laws Of Mind System is that accessing the subconscious mind is fun. It’s exciting, rewarding and gives you a feel good factor. All the while, you are actually going to be working to train your subconscious mind to be working for you.

Download Manifest & Mind and learn more about it

Oct 152013

We all know that positive affirmations can be a fantastic manifesting tool, used alone or alongside other techniques (like visualization), but do you understand why that is? How is it possible that such a simple practice as repeating or constantly listening to some positive sentences can influence the way your life will look like, what will and what won’t be in it?

When you understand the ways in which the positive affirmations can alter our mind and increase our manifesting capacity, you will know how to adjust them and how to add even more power to them.

How Do They Alter Our Mind?

Our mind learns things by repeating. Our beliefs are formed the same way we once learned how to ride the bicycle – the more a thought or action is repeated, the faster we will adopt it. Once we do, it becomes a part of who we are and stored deep in our subconscious for further use.

For example, if during the childhood you were taught (by repeating) that you can do anything you set your mind on, it became a belief that grew stronger as you were growing up. It’s like your mind was programmed to keep whispering positive things about yourself in the background, leaving no place for doubt and pushing you towards success.

If the opposite was the case – you get the picture: your mind would then sabotage all your efforts, including manifestation. If you don’t believe that you can do or be anything you want, then it will be much more difficult to manifest new reality in your life.

Positive affirmations then serve to re-program your mind. When you want to attract something in your life, you need to believe that it’s possible first.

The trouble is, you can’t simply decide that you now believe something – you have believed something else to be true for your entire life, and now you have to reverse-engineer the formation of a new belief.

As the first one was installed by repetition, that’s how you’ll install this one as well.

That’s the reason why you should listen to your affirmations daily, and to follow up with actions that strengthen your confidence in those statements. When you consistently feed your mind with positive statements that support the mindset and behavior that you want to adopt, you will train your mind to create a new belief.

And eventually, it will learn.

And a Few Tips

To make the best use of the positive affirmations in manifesting, you should first analyze them and see if the ones you’re using are the right ones for you. Here are a few tips:

1. Don’t project too far from your current belief

For example, if you want to win a $1,000,000 lottery, perhaps you shouldn’t go straight into repeating the affirmations for winning the lottery – your mind probably doesn’t believe it’s possible to get such a large sum of money right away, so you should first work on changing your beliefs about money in general. This way it will be easier to “persuade” your mind that $1,000,000 is quite an attainable goal.

2. Attach positive emotions to your affirmations

Apart from believing in the statements you’re making, it’s really important to feel good about the meaning of the affirmations you use. For example, if you consistently listen to an affirmation like: “I am attracting a huge amount of money my way” but you feel worried upfront that someone will take it from you or that you’ll be unhappy when you get it, you won’t attract a positive outcome – or you won’t attract anything at all.

3. Make at least one daily repetition a part of your regular routine

For the best results you should listen to your affirmations several times a day, but at least one of these repetitions should have a regular part in your daily schedule, time that you can completely devote to contemplating the meaning of the statements and to emerging yourself into the positive feeling. The best times are in the morning, when you wake up (because your mind is fresh and ready to prepare for the day), and in the evening, just before bedtime (so that you fall asleep with these messages in mind – your brain will continue to process  them even while you sleep).

This is a Guest Post from Trinity Affirmations

images_boxart_Self-Esteem-w720This post is brought to you by Trinity Affirmationsthe world’s leading website with positive affirmations in audio format.

Among 200+ of their albums, there are several with the Law of Attraction affirmations to help you focus on your manifesting goals and create the life you want more quickly and easily.

They also have a gift for you – a FREE album with self-esteem affirmations that you can download immediately and feel the benefits of total self-appreciation in action within minutes of listening!

Oct 052013

Have you ever really wanted to achieve something, started enthusiastically and then given up and abandoned the idea?

You declared confidently that it would not be easy, but you were determined to achieve the desired result this time.

So what went wrong?

obstacle in path

When “hard” obstacles appear in your path, you are faced with a temptation, a desire, to return to the old, more comfortable situation. You doubt whether it’s worth all the effort, and so on, until you surrender. Maybe you decide that you lack that special something, that you don’t have enough willpower. And it becomes a convenient excuse. You say, “I did try but what am I to do? Not everyone has a strong will”.

We think some people are blessed with a strong will from birth. We think willpower is a talent and a privilege, granted only to a special few. We think willpower is typically associated with achieving extremely difficult objectives, unattainable by most people. We associate willpower with great effort, deprivation, iron discipline and even violence. We think great willpower is not for ordinary people. These thoughts are complete nonsense!

man on mountainWhat Actually is Willpower? In Wikipedia, willpower is defined as “the human ability to consciously control his actions, directing them to consciously set goals and to overcome internal and external difficulties and obstacles”. Synonyms for willpower include: desire, aspiration, persistence, determination, commitment, tenacity, perseverance, strong intention, motivation and self-control. Different psychological disciplines describe “will” and “willpower” in various ways. For example, the classical psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud did not accept the existence of free will as a function of the psyche.

I would equate “will” and “willpower” with one word – determination. Willpower is natural and it is a power that each person possesses.

We do not achieve our goals, because we do not have any will, but because we are not sufficiently motivated, because we are impatient, because we have insufficient self-confidence, et cetera, et cetera. There is an expectation that “you will” (i.e. the future imperative tense) and that this requirement will be linked to superhuman efforts and strict discipline. From the outset, these expectations prepare you for failure. So, the first thing you need to do is:

#1 Change Your Perception of Willpower.

Do not say “I have no willpower” because it is self-indulgent and programmed for failure. Everybody has willpower. It is not a privilege for the chosen. You also have willpower. You just have to exercise it. You can train your willpower by initially setting yourself small, more easily attainable goals and progressing in increasing steps.

#2 Have Motivation.

The most important requirement to achieve anything is motivation. It is the driving force. We’ve all heard stories of people, living in difficult circumstances, who overcame their situation to achieve the impossible and become winners or heroes. They amazed us with their willpower and fortitude. What is the power in these people? What is that iron will? Only strong willpower made it possible for them to achieve success in conditions, unbearable for “normal” healthy people. All these people have motivation and set goals. Knowing why they wanted something helped them to go through all the how of achieving something. This understanding of what we are striving for is the fuel that keeps us going. Write down what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. What will bring you the desired result? How badly do you want it? What is motivating you? Write down these things and re-read them frequently. Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing!

#3 Make a Decision And Stick To It.

Very often, part-way to achieving our objectives, we give up, because of doubts and second thoughts. You might say to yourself “although I think this is correct, maybe there is another way to …”. Stop right there! The decision has been taken. Do not waste time and energy in re-consideration. Do not think about whether it is the right way or not. Just keep going.

#4  Make a Plan

Generally, I do not like to make a lot of plans. However, I am convinced that things will work out okay, when I make a plan that follows my rules and is consistent with my personality. After all, it is always nice to follow your own path and your own personal rules. What is important is that the plan is your natural course of development.

#5 Do Not Make Drastic Changes in Your Life.

It is easy to be too decisive and try to take on too much. For example, “tomorrow I get a new qualification. Tomorrow I will stop smoking. Tomorrow I will start eating healthily. Tomorrow I will start thinking positively. Tomorrow I will start going to the gym. It is good to be eager, but all that is too much to start in one day, or even in a month of Sundays. Inevitably, you will give up or postpone everything indefinitely. So, you need to make a plan that includes a gradual change in lifestyle that prioritizes your targets and that has a schedule to enable you to strive towards them one by one.

#6 Start Slowly With Small Steps.

The most common reason for giving up is that we start trying to do too much too quickly. If you start with a great effort, you will quickly get tired and stop early. The best athletes running a marathon will start slow, stay calm and conserve their energy to last the entire race.

3 kids playing on the beach

#7 Make it a Pleasant, Fun Achievement.

Usually we think that in order to achieve something it requires hard work, endurance and self-denial. Instead, the secret of a strong will is not the effort, patience or constancy. Achieving a goal should be pleasant. You can make it a fun game. Actually, the best and lasting results are achieved on the path of least effort. What you need is just keep going along that path.

#8 Focus on the Process.

Usually we do not see results right away and this discourages us. We say to ourselves: “look, nothing happening, it doesn’t make sense.” This is, because we are focused on the immediate situation and we are constantly seeking evidence that something is happening to justify our efforts. But the more you look for evidence, the more burdensome the process becomes and the more likely you are to give up. Just carry on, focus on the pleasure of the process and it will come true.

#9 Do Not Impose Penalties for “Failures.”

Realize that you are in the course of achieving a sweeping change and an elevation. This is normal. Recognize the potential for adverse mind games. It is amazing how our minds can “cheat” and create unnecessary difficulties and obstacles. Have you ever noticed that when you want something and start to follow the new plan, suddenly everything seems to stand against you and something happens to frustrate you? This is actually your mind playing games with you. Subconsciously we find reasons to go back to the old way of life. Do not punish yourself. Don’t go on the attack. Don’t get harassed. Do not, absolutely do not, feel sorry for yourself! Just at that moment when you’re about to give up, you need support and understanding. And if you do not give it to yourself, who else will? Accept that your resistance is normal, forgive yourself for a moment of weakness and carry on. Punishment is not necessary, you are doing something, and already that is a success. Just continue with what you’re doing.

#10 Do Not Suppress Your Feelings.

As our willpower is associated with endurance and strength, we do not dare to admit to ourselves the fear that we might be confused or frustrated. It is hard to admit that we are scared and that we are tired. These feelings are not a failure or a weakness. Even the greatest heroes were afraid and felt depressed. You have the power to be strong and unafraid, to carry on anyway, to pass through the various stages and again to keep on going.

#11 Enlist Support.

In moments of despair and hesitation, it is very helpful to have positive, motivated people around you. Remember to share your feelings with strong, proactive individuals. They will motivate you. Furthermore, there are many helpful resources online to inspire you and give you strength. Bookmark a few sites that resonate with you, join their community, and spend 15-30 minutes per day to stay connected with like-minded people. This will keep you convinced that you are not alone on this journey! When you achieve what you have striven for, the feeling is amazing. You feel like a winner! Then you can say: “I have faith”. You will have even more confidence in your abilities to achieve other “difficult” things, because you know you have the will. Tell us, do you have your own methods of strengthening your willpower and reaching your goals? What are some achievements you feel truly proud of?

This is a Guest Post from Ashton from Brainwave Love

Ashton finds life’s purpose in helping people reach their full potential, attain their goals, and manifest the life of their dreams. He’s helped many achieve massive breakthroughs and has proven the journey can also be fun and enjoyable. Visit his blog at BrainwaveLove.com to access some of his best free resources or get yourself started with his Complete Change Your Life System.

Sep 252013

The Importance Of Remaining Optimistic, Even In The Midst Of HardshipsHave you heard the saying that goes, every minute you spend feeling sad or angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness?

That’s 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back. Now you may be wondering why it is important for you to keep a positive mindset. Keep reading this article as I explain further.

The Law Of Attraction

I would like to briefly talk to you about the law of attraction. It is the belief that everything on the planet is made up of energy. Positive emotions are made of positive energy and negative emotions are made of negative energy.

The law of attraction kicks in when like energy attracts. That means that positive energy will attract more positive energy and vice versa. Hence, it is important that you always emit positive energy, so that you will not get any negative energy. Even if you are experiencing a bad moment, you should not feel negative about it.

Think about it this way. Do you think you can really change your circumstances for the better if you feel negative while you are in a negative circumstance?

On the contrary, if you choose to stay optimistic that things will change for the better, they will, because you are emitting positive energy, which will eventually attract more positive energy to you.

Cheerful People Tend To Have More Friends

Let us think about this for just a moment. Would you enjoy hanging around with someone who is always feeling depressed, angry, and swearing under his breath?

I don’t think so. I believe you would prefer to hang around people who are lively, cheerful, optimistic, and most of all, happy.

That positive energy may even rub onto you and you could end up feeling better around them, especially if you had a bad day. If you were to start transforming your mind to be positive, I believe that you may attract more friends into your life.

Actually, I would even venture to say that some of them may even look to you as their role model.

Your Health Will Respond To Your Emotions

Believe it or not, our bodies respond to how we feel.

Have you ever heard of stories of people who live beyond the age of 100? You could credit it to them eating healthily or exercising regularly. However, the main reason for them being able to live to that age is because they remained happy and stress free, or they did not let the worries of this life eat into them.

If being free from negative emotions such as stress could give them such a long life span, imagine what it can do for you!

I hope you have been empowered to stay happy and remain optimistic. Do remember these points that I have mentioned today.

This is a Guest Blog Post from Ewen Chia

Ewen Chia profile pictureEwen Chia is a highly respected businessman from Singapore, for the last 5 years he has flown around the world giving public presentations on business, lifestyle and entrepreneurship.

Last year his first book “How I made my first Million” made the Amazon Best Sellers lists.

If you would like to learn more from Ewen about how to have a positive mindset, visit SuccessSwitch.com and learn how you can turn on the switch to success with these self help techniques!

Sep 152013

Our friends at Trinity Affirmations have compiled a list of 100 positive affirmations from both the classic authors from the past, and people who live and work today, helping others achieve a better life. Read through them to find the ones for you to use, or use them as an inspiration for your own affirmations:

  1. I experience love in every aspect of my life. Love is my primary motivation in every relationship. Love bonds me to the rhythm of the universe. ~ Deepak Chopra
  2. I emanate love and joy, complete presence and openness, toward all beings. ~ Eckhart Tolle
  3. I am a radiant center of love, giving forth blessings of encouragement, rather than curses of judgment and limitation. ~ Joan Borysenko
  4. All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways. ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
  5. I am absolutely fearless; there is nothing to fear; fear is not a reality; it is not the truth of being. It is only the absence of courage, based upon ignorance of the great cause. ~ Orison Swett Marden
  6. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy. ~ Charles Haanel
  7. It gives me great comfort to realize that it’s not my job to change for others. ~ Abraham-Hicks
  8. I support my growth by choosing how I interpret my past and envision my future. ~ Lisa Nichols
  9. I know that all difficulties in my life are encoded with hidden messages. It’s up to me to decipher and use them for the enhancement of my own personal growth, and my service to mankind and our planetary home. ~ Andreas Moritz
  10. I am powerfully positive in everything I think, do and say. ~ Brian Tracy
  11. I am creating financial security through the use of my talents. ~ Marianne Mitchell
  12. All I need is within me now and I have the courage to see it through. ~ Tony Robbins
  13. Today I choose the higher road – the path of charity, acceptance, love, selflessness, kindness. ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  14. Money is flowing to me from both expected and unexpected sources. ~ John Assaraf
  15. I feel energized and alive throughout the day. ~ Michael Neill
  16. I am at the perfect place at the perfect time to meet the perfect people to fulfill my perfect dream. ~ John Demartini
  17. I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. ~ Bob Proctor
  18. I am content with what I have. I rejoice in the way things are. I realize that there is nothing lacking. The whole world belongs to me. ~ Eckhart Tolle
  19. I respect myself for being me. ~ Monte Farber and Amy Zerner
  20. I start the day with love, fill the day with love, and end the day with love. This is the quickest path to God. ~ Sai Baba
  21. I now go free. In that process I release all others from my demands and expectations I have placed on them. I choose to be free. I allow others to be free. I forgive myself and I forgive them. And so it is. ~ Jack Canfield
  22. I am one with the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously and endlessly. I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful! ~ Joseph Murphy
  23. I focus not on the 100 things I may have to do at some future time, but on the one thing I can do now. ~ Eckhart Tolle
  24. I am so grateful for the beautiful way the trillions of cells in my body work together! – Patricia Crane
  25. I am the master of my life, free to create anything I desire. ~ Moira Hutchison
  26. The images in my mind have creative power. They breathe existence into possibilities that never existed before. ~ Deepak Chopra
  27. I only attract loving people in my world for they are a mirror of what I am. ~ Louise Hay
  28. All that I seek opens to me and beckons to life’s fullness. I enter into my Divine heritage and walk with the great and the true. My pathway is filled with ease, for I am thinking to take me to my goal. ~ Raymond Charles Barker
  29. I am an infinite being. The age of my body has no bearing on what I do or who I am. ~ Wayne Dyer
  30. I release all drama from my life and now get energy from peace. ~ Cheryl Richardson
  31. All barriers to my success are now dissolved, and I am effortlessly making my dreams come true. ~ Moira Hutchison
  32. It is easy for me to maintain an absolutely clear focus in managing all the loose ends in my life by focusing on all the successful outcomes that I am destined to fulfill on this planet. ~ David Allen
  33. I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose. ~ John Assaraf
  34. Today I will spread joy in random and beautiful ways. ~ Brian Tracy
  35. My inner guidance is there for me to call on anytime I need or want extra clarity, wisdom, knowledge, support, creative inspiration, love, or companionship. ~ Shakti Gawain
  36. God is my infinite supply and large sums of money come to me quickly and easily under greatest good for all people. ~ Jack Canfield
  37. Today I bestow the essence of love upon everything. Everyone I meet shall be lovely to me. My soul meets the soul of the Universe in everyone. This love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness. ~ Ernest Holmes
  38. I use my intuition and intelligence to guide me at all times. ~ Pamela Wells
  39. My life has a purpose, and my work is a labor of love. ~ Napoleon Hill
  40. I lovingly do everything I can to assist my body in maintaining perfect health. ~ Louise Hay
  41. I know that I am pure in spirit and that I always have been and always will be. ~ Uell S. Anderson / Kelly Howell
  42. Thank you for everything, I have no complaint whatsoever. ~ Zen master Sono
  43. I renew my spirit by releasing guilt, fear and shame, acknowledging the truth and having accountability for my actions. ~ Lisa Nichols
  44. I look with expectation to my next moment, which is fresh and new. ~ Cheryl Richardson
  45. The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time. ~ Wayne Dyer
  46. Every day, in every way, I am thinking more and more good positive thoughts! And every day, in every way, I am feeling happier and happier! ~ Rhonda Byrne
  47. I have mastered the art of intention. I am not attached to the past or how things should turn out. I adapt quickly to errors and mistakes. I have good antennae and am alert to tiny signals. I have no trouble embracing uncertainty and ambiguity. I am able to see the meaning in chance events. ~ Deepak Chopra
  48. I love all of myself, including my body, my mind and all of my feelings. ~ Shakti Gawain
  49. I now draw from the abundance of the spheres my immediate and endless supply. All Channels are free! All Doors are open! ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
  50. I cause others to believe in me because I believe in them and I believe in myself. ~ Tony Robbins
  51. Luminous and productive energy flows through me. ~ Marianne Mitchell
  52. I have the ability to dissolve my fixed boundaries, and expand into, and merge with, those things (beings) that I normally see as other, by consciously generating feelings of love, compassion, and universal oneness. ~ Belleruth Naparstek
  53. I care how I feel and it is my desire to feel good. ~ Abraham-Hicks
  54. I am intelligent, competent, persistent and creative. I am health conscious, balanced and clean. I am flexible, punctual and thrifty. ~ Zig Ziglar
  55. I am energy.  I am strength.  I am power.  I am filled with omnipotent life.  The vitality of God permeates every fiber of my being.  I am well and whole in every part of my body. ~ Emmet Fox
  56. I am well and strong and vital; I am on the road to eternal youth; I am beautiful and pure and good; I am opulent and happy and free. ~ Helen Wilmans
  57. I am attracting and sending loving healing energy with every breath and every step I take today. ~ Sohini Sinha
  58. I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. ~ Louise Hay
  59. I affirm fearlessness of that which I have feared. ~ Frank Channing Haddock
  60. I work without strain, walk without hurry, and live without tension, for I am in tune with the Infinite. ~ Eric Butterworth
  61. I make no judgments, and have no expectations. I’ve given up the need to know why things happen as they do. I trust that the unscheduled events of my life are a form of spiritual direction. I have the courage to make the choices I need to make, I accept what I cannot change, and I have the wisdom to know the difference. ~ Carolyn Myss
  62. Everything I want also wants me. ~ Jack Canfield
  63. Every day in every way, I am getting better and better. ~ Emile Coue
  64. I can feel my body benefiting from my newfound ease. ~ Abraham-Hicks
  65. I feel the hope of achievement. ~ Napoleon Hill
  66. I trust myself in making great decisions. ~ Brian Tracy
  67. Of course it is working even now, whether I can believe it or not. ~ Frederick Bailes
  68. I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. ~ John Assaraf
  69. I am an honorable person who is truly grateful for the opportunity life has given me. ~ Zig Ziglar
  70. I am a shining hugger, and I embrace everything with love! ~ John Demartini
  71. I promise myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind. ~ Christian D. Larson
  72. I have a deep knowingness that there is nothing out there that is truly against me, or is counter-productive to my growth and learning. This certainly serves me as an impenetrable shield of protection. ~ Andreas Moritz
  73. I am the designer of my destiny, the author of my autobiography. I hold the pen in my hand. ~ Lisa Nichols
  74. I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort. ~ Wayne Dyer
  75. I trust my intuition absolutely, so I am always receptive to the signals that God and my deep self, give to me. I know I will always be given the clue, the information and the inspiration, to carry me through. ~ Andrew Harvey
  76. Today I am energized by the vitality of the Living Spirit.  All the power that there is, all the energy and vitality that there is, is mine.  I am filled with an enthusiasm for living, a joyous expectation of the more that is to be, and a gratitude for what has been and now is. ~ Ernest Holmes
  77. My peace is so vast and so deep, that anything that is NOT peace disappears into it, as if it had never existed. ~ Eckhart Tolle
  78. My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways. ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
  79. I am now attuned to my higher purpose and my life is unfolding exactly as it needs to. ~ Shakti Gawain
  80. Regardless of my outer circumstances, I know that I am completely and eternally safe. ~ Joan Borysenko
  81. Day by day in every way I am becoming more successful. ~ Napoleon Hill
  82. I surrender my ego and no longer let fear rule my life. I have love, faith, and hope. ~ Pamela Wells
  83. My subconscious mind is my partner in my success. ~ John Kehoe
  84. I make friends with my fear. I am unstoppable. ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  85. Giving brings me happiness at every stage of its expression. I experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. I experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And I experience joy in remembering the fact that I have been a giver. ~ Buddha
  86. At every moment, I have the choice of either feeling gratitude for what has been given to me, or grievance for what is missing. I choose gratitude. ~ John Welwood
  87. Being kind enables me to enlarge my small personality to embrace all of life. I practice it consistently in deed, word, and thought, so it will lead me to my supreme goal: the realization that all of us are one. ~ Eknath Easwaran
  88. God is the Power, I am the Vision, together we are a Team. ~ John Demartini
  89. All is well with me right now and getting better still. ~ Abraham-Hicks
  90. Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly. ~ Wayne Dyer
  91. I am succeeding by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use and the cooperation of other people. ~ Tony Robbins
  92. I possess authentic power, because I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. My life is filled with meaning and purpose. I have no doubts. I have no fears. I am happy to be alive. Everything I do is joyful and exciting. I look forward with anticipation to each day and each night. ~ Gary Zukav
  93. All that is mine by divine right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways. ~ Moira Hutchison
  94. I’m no longer in a hurry, the way I used to be. There is a feeling of spaciousness in my work and play, as well as energy, zest, curiosity, humor, and joy. ~ Jakusho Kwong
  95. I know that death is not death, but a recycling of energy, a remodulation of my cells, according to higher assignments in my soul’s progression. My spirit does not die, but rather enters new channels of life. ~ Marianne Williamson
  96. I choose to live a worry-free life because I know that anxiety crowds out productivity. ~ Gary Vurnum
  97. I honor all relationships, particularly the difficult ones, as lessons in learning to give and receive love. ~ Joan Borysenko
  98. I am entitled to miracles. ~ Dr. Helen Schucman
  99. I leave behind both my failures and my accomplishments.  What I do today will create a new and better future filled with inner joy. ~ J Donald Walters
  100. I deserve to have a great day. ~ Brad Yates

Finally, as a bonus quote, another great one by Zig Ziglar:

This amazing list was compiled and presented to you by Trinity Affirmationsthe world’s leading website with positive affirmations in audio format.

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