I’m a big personal development fan, I read books, I listen to audio, I just LOVE the fact that we can learn about our mind, that we can identify how we are thinking and why.. and then change the way we think for a more positive outcome in our live
s. I read these books quite a long time ago, they were what really inspired me to purse self improvement and pursue a life of my own design..
.. so, positive affirmations and these books changed my life, and now I want to share them with you too in hope that you will read them and get some inspiration too 🙂
1. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
Think and grow rich was the book which first really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. It was the first personal development book I read and it started me on my path.
It opened my mind to consider how other people think, how successful people think, and how we are actually a product of our thoughts, and if we can take control of our thoughts we can change our lives.
It especially highlighted to me that there are patterns to how successful people think, and that I too could learn these patterns, think more like this and apply these principles into my life.. that these successful people aren’t really much different to me, and I can think like them and become successful too. It made success go from seeming unobtainable or far off in the distance, to something I could simply set my mind to, work towards and achieve.
Think and grow rich also has a TON of actionable steps, methods, things to do.. it is not just an inspiring book, it actually gives you the steps (which other successful people have used) which will help you to change your thoughts and think yourself rich.
Oh, and it was such an inspiration to me that of course I made my own think and grow rich affirmations too 😉
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
When I first started out in my career and business I read this book. I have now read it FOUR times. It is my favorite self improvement book because of this, in-fact I haven’t read any other books four times!
Again it is a transformational book. It changes the way you see other people and how you deal with them. As you are reading you’re not just thinking “hmm, I might try that, I wonder if it would work”.. you can plainly see that the techniques will work..
.. That they will help you to persuade and influence, to make friends, to make yourself memorable, to avoid conflict, to win people over to your way of thinking, to get people to do things, to motivate people, even to turn potential enemies into allies.
I can’t count the number of times I have used the principles from this book, and if you practice them regularly then they do become part of who you are and you find yourself with much more natural social and interpersonal skills.
In my opinion this is a must for anyone in business, or just anyone concerned to improve their social skills and social life. Oh, and yes, I also wrote some how to win friends and influence people affirmations 🙂
The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho
The Alchemist is a little different from most “self help” books in that it is a story book.
It follows a shepherd named Santiago in his journey to Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding treasure there. Along the way, he encounters love, danger, opportunity, disaster and learns a lot about himself and the ways of the world.
I love this book so much as even if you are not a natural reader, or often buy a self help book only to be bored by it, this is a super easy read. You can read it quickly, and it is so enjoyable. The characters come to life and it is a really interesting and often exciting story.
The other reason I love it is because it is a self improvement book in disguise. Along the way Santiago learns many life lessons about continuing through failure, persistence, setting a goal and following it. You basically get a look into the success mindset as someone else goes on an adventure and follows their dreams.
This book will leave you feeling warm and inspired, you will feel like life is easy, that you can follow your dreams too and it will give you the map of your mind and how to do it. Please read this book 🙂
I don’t have any Alchemist inspired affirmations.. yet 😉
If you have read any of these 3 books too then please leave a comment and tell me what you thought, or maybe you have another favorite book, please tell us what it is and why in the comments below.